The Effect of Concentration on the Rate of Reaction of Sodium Thiosulphate with Hydrochloric Acid.

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GCSE Chemistry Coursework 1                               Planning

The Effect of Concentration on the Rate of Reaction of Sodium Thiosulphate with Hydrochloric Acid

AIM: I intend to conduct an experiment on the effect the concentration of the hydrochloric acid has on the rate of reaction between it and Sodium Thiosulphate. It will be conducted in a controlled environment, I will be following the method that has been supplied to me by my teacher with my own additions to try and ensure the best possible results. I will be altering the variable of concentration of sodium thiosulphate solution, the other variables are changing temperature, or changing the surface area of a solid reactant, or adding a catalyst.

Factors to consider:

To ensure that my investigation provides the best results possible, I must consider, the efficiency of myself and partner. We must be focused and attentive. I think to prevent any cause for problem in the investigation, I will try and lessen the chance of boredom by writing a method that is quick and more than satisfactory so as to obtain the best results possible.

Fair Test:

I plan to do a safe and fair investigation into the effect of concentration on the rate of reaction of sodium thiosulphate with hydrochloric acid.  I will use safety goggles and gloves to protect my skin from the acid and to protect my eyes from any splatter. I will also keep the room ventilated so as to expel the smell of sulphur dioxide. For the test to be fair I will use the same volume of thiosulphate and acid throughout the test. To make it accurate I will do the test at least twice for each different molar of solution.  I will gather all equipment and make sure they are clean and uncontaminated (so as to avoid faults in results), I will make sure that my work equipment are accurate (i.e. the setting of the stop clock) so as not to increase the rate of the reaction unwittingly. I will also make sure that the conical flask containing the reactants are not disturbed because the movement could speed up the reaction. The same crossed piece of paper will be used throughout the experiment and I will try to do the experiment at a constant room temperature.

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Safety Goggles


1M Sodium Thiosulphate Solution

0.5M Hydrochloric Acid

100cm3 Conical Flask

2 x 50cm3 Plastic Measuring Cylinder

2 x 50cm3 Glass Measuring Beaker

Stop Clock

White Sheet of Paper with a Cross in the centre



Firstly for the different concentrations of Sodium Thiosulphate solution I manually diluted it. To do this I had 100cm3 of the 2 Molar Sodium Thiosulphate. I poured one half of this into a separate beaker and added 50cm3 of water to the second beaker. So with 100cm3 of 1 Molar Sodium Thiosulphate in the second beaker I poured 50cm3 of that into a third ...

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