The effect that different concentrations of salt solution in the water has on strips of potato, due to osmosis

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Iestyn. Evans 11D

Biology Coursework – Osmosis

For my biology coursework a will be conducting an experiment to discover the effect that different concentrations of salt solution in the water has on strips of potato, due to the effect of osmosis. The experiment will be conducted by having different test tubes each filled with a different concentration of salt solution, and 2 strips of potato. Each test tube is then left for 24 hours and then the changes recorded. But for the changes to be recorded I must decide on a factor to record. I shall decide on a factor to record, to see what effect osmosis has on the factor, and to record any change in that factor from the start at the end of the experiment. I have decided that factor shall be mass (of the potato strip), because in my opinion that is the factor that can be recorded with the finest accuracy. So the potato strips will be weighed (separately) at the start of the experiment, and recorded, weighed after the experiment, then recorded again. Then the percentage change (in mass) of the potato strip worked out for each individual strip worked out. As there will be two strips for each tube, I will have two percentage changes, so the average percentage change will be worked out for each tube. The results will then be recorded in a table, and then a graph.

 Now I shall put forward my hypothesis, which is, a short statement saying what I think will happen – As the concentration of salt solution in the water increases, the mass of the potato strips in the water will decrease.

I think this will happen due to the effect osmosis. Osmosis is the movement of water molecules across a semi permeable membrane from a region of high water concentration to a region of low water concentration. A semi permeable membrane is just one with very small holes in it. So small in fact that only water molecules can pass through them, and bigger molecules like salt can’t. The water molecules pass both ways through the membrane in a two-way traffic. But because there are more on one side than the other, there’s a steady net flow into the region with fewer water molecules, i.e. into the stronger solution (of salt). This causes the salt rich region to fill up with water. The water acts like it’s trying to dilute it, so as to ‘equal up’ the concentration rather side f the membrane.

Osmosis makes plant cells swell up if they’re surrounded by weak solution and they become turgid. In pure water the potato strips swell because water enters their cells by osmosis, but in rich salt solution the potato shrink because water leaves their cells due to osmosis. And as the potato strips shrink they will decrease in mass. This is the reason why I think the mass of the potato strips in the water will decrease as the concentration of salt solution in the water is increased.

This is the type of graph I shall be expecting when the experiment is complete:

Preliminary work

Preliminary work was performed to find out which method was best to obtain the optimum results possible. To obtain this information each different group in the class undertook the task of performing the experiment. Each group varied different factors/aspects of their experiments from the size borer, to the different concentrations.

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The next step was for each group to perform the experiment, each group in a different way. My group (Me (Steffan), Rhys, Hazel, Holly, Daniel. J) decided to use a size 3 borer, and record the results of  2 different concentrations 0.0 M and 1.0 M, we decided to use potato strips that were 4 cm in length, and used plastic dishes to hold the potato strip, and the concentration of salt solution. We also decided to use 20 cc of Solution in each dish.

Here are my results (with percentage change worked out) :

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