The hypothesis is the optimum pH level for the enzyme Amylase will be pH7 (neutral) due to the natural location being the mouth in the human body.

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To explore the reaction of enzymes throughout various pH levels.


The hypothesis is the optimum pH level for the enzyme Amylase will be pH7 (neutral) due to the natural location being the mouth in the human body.

Materials used:

  • Bunsen Burner
  • Heatproof Mat
  • Tripod
  • Gauze
  • Pipette
  • Stirring stick
  • Thermometer
  • Measuring cylinder
  • Beaker
  • Spotting tile
  • Stop watch
  • Iodine
  • 0.1ml Hydrochloric Acid
  • 1ml Amylase
  • 2g Starch
  • 200mls Water
  • 10ml pH buffers
  • pH reader
  • Test Tubes
  • Test Tube holder


  1. Place heatproof mat on a flat surface and place Bunsen burner onto the mat, ensure the Bunsen burner is open so the flame is visible whilst lighting, close the Bunsen burner off so it becomes a blue flame and place Tripod and Gauze over the Bunsen burner.
  2. Fill a beaker with 200mls of Water.
  3. Weigh 2g of Starch and place into the beaker of Water
  4. Place the beaker on top of the heat and with the stirrer continuously stir the solution until it is clear.
  5. Once clear remove the beaker from the heat and allow cooling for approximately 10 minutes.
  6. Whilst allowing the solution to cool, prepare the pH buffers into test tubes.
  7. Mix 1ml of Amylase with 10mls of pH buffer, leave to stand for 5 minutes.
  8. Using a pipette, place a single drop of Iodine into each spotting tile.
  9. Once the Starch solution is cooled, use a pipette and place the Starch solution into the Test tube of Amylase and pH buffer.
  10. Using the pipette add the solution from the test tube to the spotting tile and iodine.
  11. Continue this procedure at 1 minute intervals.
  12. Continue to follow each step but using different pH buffers.
  13. Record results.
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The temperature of the experiment was at a steady 22 degrees.

Based on the observations the pH broke down quicker after 6 minutes on pH6 which de-natured, this is because the pH level is closer to pH7 which is neutral.


In the experiment it was investigated to see whether the pH buffers would be affected by levels of alkali and acid, due to alkali increasing the pH and acid reducing the pH, it was investigated whether this happens to ...

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