The investigation is to try and discover which out of Ethanol, Propan-2-ol and Butan-1-ol is the most effective fuel. To carry out this investigation I will heat a specific volume of water using each fuel in turn

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Friday 13th May 2005

What is the best fuel?


The aim of the investigation is to try and discover which out of Ethanol, Propan-2-ol and Butan-1-ol is the most effective fuel. To carry out this investigation I will heat a specific volume of water using each fuel in turn, and record how long it takes to reach a specified temperature.

Background Information

A fuel is something that when it is burnt gives out energy. The fuels that are being used for this investigation actually belong to a group of organic compounds called alcohols. These compounds are composed of hydrogen and carbon but also contain an – OH group.

These alcohols burn well in oxygen, or air, releasing energy in the form of heat e.g.

C2H5OH + 3O2           2CO2 + 3H2O + Energy

When these alcohols burn the bonds between the atoms are broken down, this requires energy to be taken in. The carbon and hydrogen atoms then form new bonds with the oxygen in the air to form carbon dioxide and water; it is during this process that energy is released in the form of heat.

The best fuels are those which produce more energy than they use to break down the atoms.

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Therefore the larger alcohol molecules with longer carbon chains should release more energy because they contain more carbon and hydrogen atoms which produce more carbon dioxide and water molecules so releasing more energy.

Although these larger molecules should release more energy they also require greater amounts of oxygen. Air contains only 20% oxygen which is sometimes not enough to release all the chemical energy from the alcohol and can result in something called incomplete combustion when “soot” is produced.

Key factors and fair testing


Key factors:

  • Mass of water
  • Length of wick on the burner
  • Type ...

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