The rate of the reaction between Sodium thiosulphate and Hydrochloric acid.

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Chemistry Coursework

I am going to do an investigation into the rate of the reaction between Sodium thiosulphate and Hydrochloric acid. I am going to change the concentration of the sodium thiosulphate.


I predict that as the concentration of the sodium thiosulphate is increased the rate of reaction will also increase. The reaction between the 2 solutions will only happen when the particles collide. When the sodium thiosulphate is more concentrated there are more particles per cm^3 this means that the particles will collide more often because they are condensed more together. This means that the reaction between the two solutions will happen more often. The red dots in the diagrams below represent the sodium thiosulphate particles and the blue dots represent the hydrochloric acid particles. The diagrams represent the solution just after the sodium thiosulphate has been added. In diagram 1 you can see that there are less red particles than in diagram 2, this indicates that the sodium thiosulphate that was added is at low concentration. This means that solution 1 will take a longer amount of time to react then solution 2.


I will need the following equipment for the experiment:

  • Beaker
  • 2 measuring cylinders
  • Sodium Thiosulphate
  • Hydrochloric acid
  • Water
  • Piece of paper with a green dot, 1cm in diameter, on it.
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I will change the concentration of the sodium thoisulpahe. I am going to do this to see what effect changing the concentration of the solution has on the rate of the reaction. I will use 10cm^3 of hydrochloric acid at…….. moles and 10cm^3 of sodium thiosulphate at varying concentrations, undiluted it is a 40g/dm^3. the first experiment will be conducted with 10cm^3 of sodium thiosulphate and 0cm^3 of water with 10cm^3 of hydrochloric acid. I will put the hydrochloric acid from the measuring cylinder in a clear glass beaker which is placed over a piece of paper that has ...

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