To examine the effect of Substrate Concentration (Hydrogen Peroxide) on the rate of an enzyme catalysed reaction

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Kevin McAllister

To examine the effect of Substrate Concentration (Hydrogen Peroxide) on the rate of an enzyme catalysed reaction

The reaction we will study is:

2H2O2 ? O2 + H2O


Enzymes are globular proteins with a complex tertiary structure. Weak chemical bonds between the polypeptide chains maintain the shape of the enzyme, which is critical to its function. Each enzyme has a specifically shaped active site. Substrate molecules which have the same shape as the active site may combine with this active centre - forming an enzyme substrate complex. The enzyme and substrate molecules interact in such a way that a chemical reaction occurs and appropriate products are produced. This sequence of events can be repeated very rapidly. Catalase is a good example, it occurs naturally in the body tissues of plants and animals and catalyses the decomposition of Hydrogen peroxide to oxygen gas and water by up to 10,000 times.

Substrate Concentration has a major effect on the rate of reaction. At low substrate concentrations many of the available enzyme molecules will have active centres which are unoccupied and the restricted supply of substrate molecules will mean less enzyme substrate complex's will form per unit of time, so the rate of reaction will be low. As we increase substrate concentration more of the active centres will be occupied so more enzyme substrate complexes will form per unit of time and therefore rate of reaction will increase. When large concentrations are used the rate of reaction will increase no longer as all the enzymes active sites' are filled so rate of reaction will not be able to increase further until concentration of enzyme is increased. This is shown by the graph below.

Effect of substrate and enzyme concentration on the rate of an enzyme controlled reaction.

We have chosen to use the effect of Catalase enzyme on Hydrogen Peroxide because this is a very easy system to use. Oxygen gas is produced, we can measure the volume of oxygen produced, and compare the rate at which oxygen is produced at different substrate concentrations to see the effect that changing substrate concentration has on rate of reaction. We will obtain results by measuring oxygen evolution in cm3/second over various substrate concentrations. If we produce graphs of these results, by measuring the gradients of the graphs we will obtain values for the rate of reaction which can then be plotted on a separate graph showing rate of reaction against concentration, this final graph will allow us to compare our results and it will enable us to answer our brief as it will show the effect of changing concentration against rate of reaction.

We will obtain the gradients for the original (o2 evolution/time) graphs by drawing a line against the curve of the graph where it begins to level off. We will then draw two more lines, one vertical and one horizontal from this line to form a triangle so we can see exactly how much Oxygen was produced over a set period of time. We will substitute these values into the equation y/x to give us the value for rate of reaction. Y is equal to the volume of oxygen produced, and x the time taken for this volume of oxygen to be produced.

We will obtain results at Hydrogen Peroxide concentrations of 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70 and 80% these concentrations will give us a wide range of results which will enable us to achieve our aim of finding out the effect of changing substrate concentration on the rate of an enzyme controlled reaction. Any anomalous results will be repeated to check that they are correct, Ideally the whole experiment would be repeated 3-5 times so that an average set of results could be obtained which would minimise the effect of any uncontrolled variables

H2O2 is a good substrate to use because we know how much oxygen gas should be produce. If we use 10 volume H2O2 it will give 10 * the volume of Hydrogen Peroxide that is used

I.e. if 10cm3 of 10 volume H2O2 is used 100 cm3 of Oxygen should be produced. This is useful because the same volume of oxygen will be produced in each reaction and we know when the end point of the reaction is, (when no more Oxygen will be produced) This will allow us to compare results to one another more easily. However the Hydrogen Peroxide may already be slightly decomposed so it will not give 100% of the Oxygen volume it should. Ideally fresh Hydrogen Peroxide should be used, but if this is not possible, we should use the same batch of Hydrogen peroxide for all our results as then it will have been decomposed to the same amount. The hydrogen Peroxide should be stored in cool conditions to minimise decomposition.

If 10volume Hydrogen Peroxide is used we will need to dilute it to different amounts. We will dilute the Hydrogen Peroxide with water according to the table below:
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Volume of 10Vol H2O2 in cm3






Volume of Water in cm3






Final Concentration of H2O2 %







As well as ensuring that the same batch of Hydrogen Peroxide is used, so that different volumes of oxygen are not produced when different batches are used other variables must be controlled. From Previous work we know that temperature affects enzymic activity. Increased heat energy raises the ...

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