To find out how changes in concentration of a solution affect the rate of the reaction.

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To find out how changes in concentration of a solution affect the rate of the reaction.


Chemical reactions occur all a round us. Some reactions are slow, like iron rusting and some are fast like potassium reacting with water or paper burning. There are several factors that affect the speed of a reaction: concentration of solutions, surface area of solids, temperature of reactants, the presence of a catalyst, the pressure of gasses

Before I consider each of the above factors we need to look at the nature of matter. We all know that water can exist as ice (solid), water (liquid), or water vapour (gas). These are three states of matter, solid, liquid and gas.  


This explains how all matter is made up of tiny particles and how these particles are arranged. In a solid the each particle is strongly attracted to all other particles so the particles are held very close together. This explains why solids have a high density. These particles form a regular arrangement so solids have a definite shape and size. Each particle vibrates about a fixed position. When the solid is heated the particles vibrate more and take up more space. This explains why solids expand when heated.

In a liquid each particle is attracted to all other particles – so a liquid has a definite volume BUT the particles are free to move. A liquid therefore takes the shape of the container, which holds it. A liquid is runny because the particles are free to move. However the particles are not packed as closely together as in a solid – so liquids are usually not as heavy as solids.

In a gas the particles are spread out and there are no forces of attraction between the particles. The particles are in rapid motion and this explains why smells can travel from one place to another.

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Two chemicals can only react if they collide with each other. . However, not all collisions result in a reaction. The collisions have to have enough energy. Particles in a liquid or gas have energy because they are always moving. This energy is called kinetic energy: the faster the particles are moving the more kinetic energy they will have. If low energy particles collide they will not react but simply bounce off each other. The minimum amount of energy for a reaction to take place is called its activation energy.


The collision theory offers an ...

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