To investigate if osmosis occurs in a potato in varying concentrations of sucrose solution.

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Aim: To investigate if osmosis occurs in a potato in varying concentrations of sucrose solution.

The Investigation:

I am investigating how different concentrations of sucrose solution can affect the mass of potato tissue. The concentrations I am going to use are;

  • Distilled water (0%)
  • 5%
  • 10%
  • 15%
  • 20%
  • 25%
  • 30%
  • 35%

Background Knowledge: 

Osmosis is the special name used to describe the diffusion of water across a selectively permeable membrane, from a dilute solution to a more concentrated solution.  In biology this usually means the diffusion of water into or out of water into or out of cells.  Osmosis is just one special kind of diffusion because it is only water molecules and their movement we are considering.       The water molecules move from where water is in high concentration (a weak solution) to where water is in low concentration (a strong solution).

Require live cell membrane for osmosis to occur in cells, but will happen with suitable nonliving membranes (e.g. Visking dialysing membrane).

Plant cells always have a strong cell wall surrounding them. When they take up water by osmosis they start to swell, but the cell wall prevents them from bursting. Plant cells become "turgid" when they are put in dilute solutions. Turgid means swollen and hard. The pressure inside the cell rises and eventually the internal pressure of the cell is so high that no more water can enter the cell. This liquid or hydrostatic pressure works against osmosis. Turgidity is very important to plants because this is what makes the green parts of the plant "stand up" into the sunlight.

When plant cells are placed in concentrated sugar solutions they lose water by osmosis and they become "flaccid."  This is the exact opposite of "turgid".  The contents of the potato cells shrinks and pulls away from the cell wall.  These cells are said to be plasmolysed.

When plant cells are placed in a solution, which has exactly the same osmotic strength as the cells they are in a state between turgidity and flaccidity.  We call this incipient plasmolysis.  "Incipient" means, "about to be".

Osmosis in potatoes:

Osmosis is the passage of water molecules from a weaker solution into a stronger solution, through a partially permeable membrane. In this case, the tiny holes in the membrane of the potatoes will allow the water molecules to pass through in and out of the solution and the potato, depending on the concentration gradient of the two substances. So in this case, when the water concentration is lower in the tissue, the water will go inside the tissue of the potato, and the potato will gain weight. And if there is very little different in the two water concentrations, there shouldn’t be such a big change in weight. And if there is a higher concentration of water in the potato, the water will go out of the potato.


In the distilled water, I believe that the water is less concentrated in the potato, and therefore the water should transfer from the water to the potato, making the potato bigger in size, and heavier in weight. The potato tissues, being surrounded by a weak solution, will be most likely to swell up and become turgid, taking in all the water it can possibly take in.

With the potato in the less concentrated solutions of 5 and 10% sucrose, I don’t think there will be much change in the weight of the potato. This is because there isn’t much difference between the two substances. I believe that the weight and the size of the potato won’t be altered much.  The 15,20 and 25% solutions of sucrose, I think, should make a big difference now, noting that it should be a large difference between the two concentration gradients. And therefore the weight should decrease, at least noticeable for us to notice.

The difference between the water concentration in the potato and the 30 and 35% solution of sucrose is big, and the water in the potato should be transferred from the potato, through the permeable membrane, to the solution surrounding the potato. And as a result, I am sure that the weight of the potato will decrease. And because the potato tissues are surrounded by a stronger solution, it will probably become smaller and lighter.

My theory in this experiment is that the potato in distilled water will become the most turgid compared the all the other potato in different solutions.  I also believe that the potato in 35% solution of sucrose will become the most flaccid compared to the other potatoes.

Safety Precautions: 

Safety is an important aspect in every experiment, even if the experiment seems to be very harmless. And that is why we take this into consideration, no matter what.  To make sure we are safe in the lab here are some of the things we will do in more detail:

  • Wear safety goggles
  • Tuck stools in to make sure mo-one falls in the lab
  • Put all bags under the table to make sure no-one falls
  • Never run in the lab        
  • We will be using a very sharp knife, which could injure someone if it’s not handled properly.
  • And we will also be careful that the solutions don’t get into our bodies internally, just in case, because we are not fully aware of the damage it could do to us.

Fair Test:

To make this a fair test there are many factors we need to take into consideration before starting the experiment.  First I am going to talk about the variables that may have an affect on this experiment.

Constant Variables

These are the variable that will not remain the same throughout the experiment.

Same species of potato- we will have one large potato so many cylinders can be extracted from it.  This will also make are results reliable because different potatoes can have a different concentration of water in it.

Volume of solution- this will be the sucrose solution and distilled water that the potato cylinders will be soaked in.

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Mass of potato cylinders- the mass of the potato cylinders will be the same.

Same weighing balance- to make are results more reliable we will use the same weighing balance because there might be slight variation in sensitivity between machines.

Changing Variable

This is the variable that will be changed in each experiment.  It is also the variable, which we are investigating.

Concentration of sucrose solution- this is the proportion of percentage of sucrose in the solution.  The concentration of the solutions will increase by 5% in each experiment.

Uncontrollable Variables

        These are the variables that cannot be controlled.


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