To investigate the effect of different concentration of sucrose on osmosis in potato chips

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Biology practical coursework

Aim of investigation: To investigate the effect of different concentration of sucrose on osmosis in potato chips.

Independent variables: The independent variable is the concentration of sucrose solution.

How will the independent variables be controlled (Details of dilutions)?


Dependant variable

The dependant variable is the size of the potato chip (mass and length)

How we will measure the dependant variables

  • Length ►The length will be measured using simply a ruler to nearest mm
  • Mass    ►The mass will be measured on a balance to nearest 0.5g.

                             The potato chips will be blotted first to remove excess sucrose solution outside of the chip, to obtain more accurate results, as the excess mass of any solution will mean the chip weighs slightly more than it would normally without excess solution.

Variables and why they need to be controlled

Temperature- The temperature will have to be controlled because at a higher temperature molecules will move faster (possibly if we put it on the window sill due to the extra heat from the sun) this will mean  more kinetic energy. And eventually means osmosis is more likely to happen at a quicker rate since the particles are moving quicker. Each particle since it is moving faster is likely to hit the partially permeable membrane at a quicker rate, and hence go through it, in the end increasing the rate of osmosis.

Volume of sucrose solution- Not enough sucrose solution therefore won’t cover chip

                                             -  Measure solution. The volume of water molecules will affect the amount of osmosis taking place.

Surface area of chip- The surface area of the chip will have to be controlled by cutting the chips accurately using chipper and ruler. This is because surface area affects the rate of osmosis, because the higher the surface area the more water molecules can pass through the semi permeable membrane, and also the higher the surface area, the quicker the rate of osmosis.

Type of potato- The type of potato we use will also have to be controlled. This is because different potatoes have different water contents. The amount of water already in the potato will also affect the amount of osmosis, as the mass will be different initially.

Time- The time is also important and must be controlled to a suitable degree, this is because the longer they are left, the more water moves in, and or out by osmosis.

Apparatus- The following equipment will be needed…


  1. Get an apron
  2. Get a potato and peel it down so no skin is left
  3. Position potato(-es) in the chipper to give you 15 chips which are of equal thickness (breadth and width), although length doesn’t matter at this stage.  
  4. Match the concentrations for the solutions we are using to the potato chips. In other words for 1M concentration use 10cm3 of the sucrose solution already provided. However for example if you want 0.6M sucrose solution, then use 6cm3 sucrose (1M) and 4cm3 water. Do this for 0.0M, 0.2M, 0.4M, 0.6M, 0.8M and 1.0M.
  5. Then cut chips so that each end is flat. Align the flat end of each chip against a flat surface. Then from the point at which they start (flat surface) measure and cut into lengths of 5cm long with scalpel.
  6. Weigh each chip and measure each ones lengths after they are cut to double check if the length is accurate as possible and to check for mistakes. Note down the weights for each potato chip in a column, and also remember to write what concentration it is in.
  7. Place each chip into the right solution for each of the re-runs
  8. Leave chips in solution for a day to allow the osmosis enough time.
  9. Then take each one out in the same order they were put in, this is so that everything is done in the same chronological order as the start of the experiment, to avoid mixing things up and to keep everything consistent and in the same order.
  10. Blot them on some tissue to remove excess liquid and ultimately excess weight.
  11. Then re-weigh the mass of each chip carefully, one be one, and note it down in the relevant results table, in the right section for the concentration.
  12. Get rid of the used potato chips one by one after you have noted the results down
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Number many readings needed to be able to plot a valid graph

We will be using at least 5 readings in order to get a valid graph.

The range of values needed for the independent variable

We will be using 0-1M.

How many repeats I will be doing in order to make the results reliable

I will be doing the repeats (or re-runs), and 3 of them to make the results reliable and to check for mistakes. Three repeats should seem a sufficient amount to obtain the reliable results we are looking for.


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