To investigate the energy content of alcohols.

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To investigate the energy content of alcohols.

Introduction to Alcohols:

Alcohols are a group of compounds whose molecules are chains of carbon atoms. These differ from other types/forms of organic compounds as their molecules contain at least one single oxygen atom joined by a single bound to a carbon atom. This makes alcohols members of a hydroxyl group. Meaning that the oxygen atom is not only joined to the hydrogen atom but the carbon atom also. These carbon atoms form parts of long hydrocarbon chains.

 My investigation is to research the combustion of alcohols. The general formula for alcohols are C  H2  + 10H. Alcohols like another combustible fuels will burn in oxygen or a voluminous supply of air to form the by-products of carbon dioxide and water (vapour). In this experiment I will be comparing heat production in four different members of the alcohol family. These are Ethanol (C H OH), Propan-2-ol (C H OH), Butan-1-ol (C H OH) and Butan-2-ol (C H OH) I will also be considering possible factors that could affect the results of my experiment.

 **Butan-1-ol and Butan-2-ol are isomers and therefore have the same molecular formula (C H OH) but have different structural compositions (see below.)

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I predict that the greater amount of carbon chains the alcohol has the more energy it will give out. This will happen because the more chains there are the more bonds that need to be broken and therefore producing/releasing more energy.



Explanation of variables:

I have chosen to control the mass of water that will be heated by the alcohol because if there is and inconstancy in the mass of water then ...

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