UK Department of Health Estimated Average Requirements (EAR)

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Task 1

UK Department of Health Estimated Average Requirements (EAR) are a daily calorie intake of 1940 calories per day for women and 2550 for men. Since most adults in the UK lead a sedentary lifestyle, these figures apply to adults with low activity levels. Factors that affect your personal daily calorie include your age, height and weight, your basic level of daily activity, and your body composition.

To maintain healthy eating the following table shows how much of each carbohydrates, proteins and fats are need.

The energy that is released by the macronutrients can be measured in calories, a measure of energy. Both carbohydrates and protein contain four calories per gram, whereas fat contains nine calories per gram.

(Ultra-fit magazine vol.13 no.6 p 41)

Taking this as our guide for an average male who needs approximately 2550 calories, they would need to consume

55% of 2550 kcal = 1402 kcal divided by 4, which is 350g carbohydrates per day.

15% of 2550 kcal = 382 kcal divided by 4, which is 95g protein per day.

30% of 2550 kcal = 765 kcal divided by 9, which is 85g fats per day.


The British Dietetic Association guidelines state that an average adult should consume 2.5 liters of water per day. This intake needs to be increased during periods of hot weather or during and after periods of physical activity.

The recommended daily two and a half liters of fluid can come from any drinks: tea, coffee, coke, fruit juice - even beer, though drinking two liters of beer each day is not recommended! We also get approximately half a liter from food eaten each day, mostly from fruit and vegetables. Of course, alternatives to water do tend to have more calories, so it makes sense to get at least some of our daily fluid needs from water. Also, some studies have indicated that drinking plenty of water is beneficial to the immune system; good for the skin; alleviates constipation and can reduce the risk of kidney stones.

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Vitamins and minerals

Below is a table showing the recommended daily allowances of vitamins and minerals.

Task 2

Carbohydrates mostly function as our energy source. They provide energy for not only sustained aerobic exercise, but also for high-intensity exercise like weightlifting. Thus, they provide necessary energy to exercise and build muscle. They are also metabolic primers necessary for the burning of fat.

Carbohydrates are made up of carbon, hydrogen and oxygen, hence the name. Carbo relates to carbon, and hydrate means to gain water, which consists of hydrogen and oxygen. In fact, carbohydrates contain hydrogen ...

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