Water and Mineral Nutrition in Plants

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Water and Mineral Nutrition in Plants

We have just concluded a series of lectures looking at the structure of the "higher" plant body and some of its features. At this time we can look at how the plant functions (physiology) and how plant growth and development is regulated. In other words, how does a plant do the things it needs to do, such as:

Obtain nutrients for growth and survival, both from the "soil" and from the atmosphere
Maintain water balance and transport water throughout the plant
Transport nutrients and solutes to its cells and tissues
Regulate growth and developmental activities

You'll note the plants have many of the same problems that any animal does - its just that plants tend to solve their problems in different ways... Let's look now at some of these problems and how plants grow and survive in an often "hostile" environment.

Obtaining Nutrients
Plants are autotrophs. They obtain raw materials from their environment. Plants need about 18 elements, mostly mineral ions, along with oxygen, water, and carbon dioxide. We will discuss the specific mineral needs in the laboratory exercise on mineral nutrition.
Plants then process these substances into their needed organic molecules for plant structure and function.
Plants produce few waste products because they have no need to extract nutrients from pre-formed organic materials (like we do), and their fuel needed to do cell work is provided by photosynthesis

How does the average plant obtain these raw materials?
Needed gases are obtained by diffusion from the atmosphere, and will be discussed a bit more later.

Water and most minerals must be absorbed as water-soluble ions from
soil(never dirt) via the roots.

Soil serves as the:

  • Reservoir for many mineral ions
  • Storage for some mineral ions

The origins of any soil is the parent rock, of whatever type, which is "weathered" to tiny particles, often called clay, by mechanical and chemical processes (mostly involving water). The mineral component of soil is determined by the parent rock of that area.

Any soil "community" includes:

  • Mineral particulates
  • Living organisms
  • Air and water spaces (30 - 60% of soil volume)
  • Humus (decayed and decaying organic material) component

The availability and concentration of minerals is critical for growth. If a needed mineral is absent from the soil, the plant can not grow properly, if at all. Mineral cycling, which involves an entire food chain, including the vital decomposers, is an important process for ecosystems. Disturbed ecosystems may lose minerals in many ways, diminishing plant growth.

Soil type is very important in agriculture. The major agricultural areas of the world are characterized by having soils called
Chernozem soils, which are calcium-rich with lots of humus. Acid soils, such as the podzols of many conifer forests and the iron or aluminum-rich laterite soils of the tropics are not well suited to cultivation and form "Hard-Pan" with disturbance.

Assuming minerals are available, how does the plant absorb and move minerals to needed locations in the plant body?

Obtaining minerals from soil
Water from rainfall percolates through soil spaces and forms a film around soil particles.
Soluble ions (minerals) dissolve into H
2O from the surrounding soil
There is a competition for minerals by root absorption versus leaching minerals through soil as water percolates past root region.
Water and dissolved minerals move into root in the
root hair region by diffusion and active transport 
From the root hairs, nutrients move through the Cortex, mostly between cells, called the
apoplast pathway, and into the stele via the endodermis. Water and minerals can also move from cell to cell within the cortex, called the symplast pathway. From the stele, most minerals are moved along with water in xylem which is continuous throughout the plant.

The rate of mineral absorption is affected by:

  • Available concentration
  • "Ease" of movement or how soluble the mineral is in water

The solubility of many minerals can be altered by changes in soil conditions and other soil substances. Soil pH is one critical factor.

Mycorrhizae are also very important in mineral absorption for many plants. Mycorrhizae increase the area for absorption and actively absorb minerals which are in low concentration.

Water and Nutrient Movements in Plants
Plants are 80-90% water (wet weight) and soil and atmosphere usually contain a much lower proportion of water. Most plants present large surface areas to their surroundings; both the root and leaf surface areas are large (roots to absorb water and nutrients, leaves for exposure to sun for photosynthesis. Because there is so much surface exposed, plants need to be efficient in obtaining and conserving water for their cells and tissues.

Some ways plant have of conserving water
The stomata necessary for gas exchange open and close so that water loss by transpiration is minimized when plants have no need for CO2. This helps to maintain appropriate water balance.
Epidermal cells on above-ground structures are coated with a waxy cuticle layer (cutin) to prevent water loss, or, if the surface is cork, the walls contain impermeable suberin.
Plant cells have vacuoles to accumulate a volume of water, and cell walls to help maintain turgor. (This works better at preventing excess water than it does at preventing dehydration. Plants achieve "permanent wilt" when plasmolysis (loss of turgor) can not be reversed.)
Many cells and tissues need not be maintained because they're dead (saves energy)

Water Movement in Plants
How does water enter and move through the plant, especially when plants have no pumps, and how does a plant move water upward against the forces of gravity as much as 300 feet.

We know that water moves from the soil's environment by diffusion into the root through root hairs. It travels through the cortex of the root, mostly between cells, and from root stele upward through the xylem tissue, and out the leaves' stomata, with a few stops along the way for photosynthesis, turgor maintenance, and other water requirements. How does this happen? Let's look at the end point first, since this also functions in the overall movement of water throughout the plant.

Water diffuses out of the plant via
transpiration through the stomata. Transpiration is the term used to describe the evaporation of water from the plant. Transpiration also plays a role in the movement of water throughout the plant as we shall discuss. Transpiration loss is significant. In corn fields, as much as 90% of the water absorbed by the roots is lost by transpiration.

How Water moves - The Tension-Cohesion Theory
Much water is lost via transpiration. This creates a negative water potential in cells which exerts a "pull" on H2O in cell walls which connects to H2O in xylem creating a tension in the xylem.
Since water molecules tend to cohere (stick to each other), this tension is transmitted to the xylem in roots making the root water potential negative, too. Water from soil is now attracted by a diffusion gradient.
Further, the xylem conducting cells have adhesive properties (like a capillary tube) so water is attracted (and sticks together along walls).
Water is also pure in the vascular stele. The casparian strips of the endodermis layer mean that endodermal cells screen everything as substances enter the stele.
This combination of forces is sufficient to move water upward against all forces of gravity.
It also means that a plant disadvantage, water lost by transpiration, can be turned around to do something beneficial for the plant.

Regulating Transpiration - The Stomatal Mechanism
Since it is important to conserve as much water as possible, plants have mechanisms to open and close their stomata, minimizing water loss during non-photosynthetic times, a mechanism which we will look at in more detail soon.

Stomata are open in daytime which permits diffusion of CO2 into the leaf for photosynthesis. At the same time water is lost through the stomata, via transpiration. The intercellular spaces of plant tissues are near 100% humidity, and the stomata are openings into the environment, which is usually not at 100% humidity. The diffusion gradient for water is from the leaf to the environment. This creates serious problems for water maintenance. The resolution of this problem is the closure of stomata at night so that water loss is restricted to the daytime hours when the plant is actively using CO2. It is important to remember that the primary function of stomata is gas exchange, a subject that will be discussed later.

How stomata work
The mechanical operation of stomata is a phenomenon of turgor, osmotic balance and active transport, helped by the structure of the guard cells. Most guard cells are bean shaped. The inner walls of each guard cell pair are thickened, while the outer walls are thin. When water is absorbed by a guard cell, it swells, stretching the cell. The thicker inner wall does not stretch so the rest of the cell gets distorted. This distortion of the pair of guard cells makes a shape which causes a gap between the guard cell pair's inner walls. This gap is the stoma. When guard cells lose turgor, they "shrink", and the collapsed cells force the inner walls of the guard cell pair together, closing the stoma.

To produce these changes in turgor, a ratio of potassium (K
+) and H2O is maintained within guard cells that varies from daytime to nighttime. In contrast to other epidermal cells, guard cells contain chloroplasts, and the process of photosynthesis is used to maintain turgor when stomata are open.


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Water and Mineral Nutrition in Plants

We have just concluded a series of lectures looking at the structure of the "higher" plant body and some of its features. At this time we can look at how the plant functions (physiology) and how plant growth and development is regulated. In other words, how does a plant do the things it needs to do, such as:

Obtain nutrients for growth and survival, both from the "soil" and from the atmosphere
Maintain water balance and transport water throughout the plant
Transport nutrients and solutes to its cells and tissues
Regulate growth and developmental activities

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