Water Microbiology: a look at a gastrintestinal infection outbreak. Abstract. This investigation is looking at three water samples A, B, and C, which

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Water Microbiology: a look at a gastrintestinal infection outbreak.


        This investigation is looking at three water samples A, B, and C, which have been associated with a gastrointestinal infection of children in a small village. In which three walls have been associated with the path of infection. The likely cause of outbreak has been identified by using a serial dilution of the samples, which have then been grown on nutrient and Mac Conkeys ager. The growth on Mac Conkeys ager will establish if the organism has come likely from contanated by faecal matter. The growth of the culture was analysed, to try to determine the likely cause and type of organism responsible. The information collected show that the likely cause of infection is from the samples taken from A or B, but further test will have to be carried out to monitor if the organisms or pathogenic or not. Due to sample A and B both having lactose forming bacteria in them, further tests will have to be carried out to determine which is contains the pathogenic bacteria so the best form of treatment can be given, and further further infections can be prevented.


        There has been an outbreak of a gastrointestinal infection of some young children in a small village, in which the primarily source of infection has been associated three wells on farms which are used for drinking water, which all the infected the children have been to. Samples have been taken to try to establish the like source of infection. This was done by the use of two different ager, one being nutrient ager and the other Mac Conkeys ager.

        Nutrient ager is used to establish the amount of bacteria present in the samples of water. It is not possible to tell if the microorganisms detected on nutrient ager or pathogenic, as the medium will grow all organisms in the water that can grow in the conditions provided in the petri dishes.

        The other ager was Mac Conkeys, which is a nutrient ager, which contains bile salts and crystal violet. The main use of this ager is differentiating between gram negative and gram-positive bacteria. This is done by the inhibiting the growth of gram-positive bacteria due to the addition of the bile salts and    crystal violet. The sugar source in Mac Conkeys ager is lactose, which goes red in acidic conditions, which will help in identifying bacteria, which can ferment lactose, them bacteria will appear pink. Bacteria, which do not ferment lactose, will often use amino acids as the nutrient source, realising ammonia, which results in alkaline conditions, so the colonies appearing colourless on the ager. The colour change is, due to the indicator natural red which is in the Mac Conkeys ager.

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        The infections are likely to be due to a water infection, which are most likely to affect the small intestine resulting in diarrhoea. This is because the cells in the small intestine help maintain the water flow in the body. This is done, by ‘ion pumps,’ controlling the water potential, and flow across the cell membrane and mucosal cells. The loss of water results in dehydration, and in some cases death, this is a particular problem in this case as the people infected or children, which are more septable to the infections. Entry is usually through the intestinal tract during ...

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