What effect does changing the concentration of a solution have on the mass of a potato chip

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What effect does changing the concentration of a solution have on the mass of a potato chip


Diffusion is the movement of particles from a high concentration to a low concentration. Osmosis is a special form of diffusion. It is the movement of water molecules across a partially permeable membrane. It moves from a high water concentration to a low one. A high water solution contains a large amount of water molecules and a small amount of other molecules.

Hypertonic is when something in solution has a greater osmotic pressure than another solution.

Isotonic means to have the same osmotic pressure as something.

Turgid is the condition of a cell, tissue or plant when it is filled with water so that it’s firm; not wilted.

When plant cells are placed in concentrated sugar solutions they lose water by osmosis and they become flaccid. This is the exact opposite of turgid. The content of the potato cells shrinks and pulls away from the cell wall. These cells are said to be plasmolysed.


What effect does changing the concentration of the solution a sample of potato is in, have on the mass of the sample.


In a weak solution, water will move out of the sample by osmosis therefore it will lose mass.

In a strong solution, water will move into the sample by osmosis and therefore gain mass.

In an isotonic solution, there will be no gain or loss of mass in the sample because of the same osmotic pressure.

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Preliminary Work

I used a core borer to cut out three potato chips. I measured and weighed them, recorded the information, and placed them in three different concentrations of glucose solution. The concentrations were zero moles, naught point four moles and four moles. I left them in solution for eighteen hours and then took them out of solution and weighed them. I then recorded the information in a table. The results are shown below:

Equipment list

Core borer; ten 100ml beakers; conical flasks; thirty potato chips; filter paper; ruler; scalpel; digital scales.


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