What effect does the Buddhist teachingsof metta, karma, anicca, anatta and equanimityhave on the environment?

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What effect does the Buddhist teachings

of metta, karma, anicca, anatta and equanimity

have on the environment?

I believe that these five Buddhist teachings of metta, karma, anicca, anatta and equanimity have a huge effect on the environment. Each of these teachings has a specific effect on the environment.

  Metta teaches Buddhists to spread love and kindness around the world. This means that this love and kindness should also be extended towards the environment. Therefore Buddhists will try to help to keep the environment healthy, i.e. unpolluted and safe.

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   The law of karma states that actions have consequences. This means that if a Buddhist treats the environment badly (use CFC’s or cut down trees), then they will gain negative karma. If they continue to treat the environment in this way then they will accumulate a lot of negative karma. This may cause them to enter a lower realm on the cycle of samsara, once they are reborn. Therefore the teaching of karma prevents Buddhists from harming the environment.

   Equanimity teaches Buddhists to treat all living beings as equal. This means that Buddhists should not cut down ...

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