What effect does the concentration of salt solution have on the amount of osmotic activity in a potato chip?

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What effect does the concentration of salt solution have on the amount of osmotic activity in a potato chip?

Skill Area P - Planning Experimental Procedures

The aim of this experiment is to investigate the movement of water into and out of potato cells by osmosis, and what effect the concentration of salt in that water has on the rate of osmosis.

Variables: To ensure that the experiment is fair, certain aspects of it will have to be kept constant, whilst one key variable is changed. I have chosen to vary the concentration of the salt solution because this will give me a varied set of results from which I hope to make a decent conclusion. This means that in order to get accurate results I must keep all of the other non-variables the same. If any of the non-variables below were not kept constant, it would mean it would not be a fair test.

* I shall ensure that all the potato chips are the same length and that all the ends are cut to 90 degrees. If one of the potato chips was longer than the rest, the surface area of the chip would be larger and there would therefore be more space for osmosis to occur.

* I shall carry out all of my experiments at room temperature, because different temperatures would cause osmosis to be carried out at different rates.

* I shall keep the water potential of the potato initially the same by using the same variety of potato, which have been treated in the same way, e.g. have all been cut without being washed. This is because washing them would be subjecting them to water, which could affect the initial water potential.

* The mass of the potato is a dependent variable, which means that it will be measured throughout the experiment. I will measure the mass in grams, and shall weigh the potato chip before it is put in the solution, and after. This will allow me to see whether osmosis has taken place, and to what extent.

* The volume of the solution that the potato cylinders are placed in must be constant. The potatoes must be totally immersed in the solution to ensure that the whole of the surface area is being used for osmosis.

* I am going to use the same set of scales to weigh my potato chips. This is because the readings given may vary slightly between different sets of scales.

* I am going to leave all the potato cylinders in the solutions for the same length of time, to allow them to carry out osmosis for the same length of time. If one was left for longer that the others then it would carry out more osmosis and therefore give an anomalous result.

* I shall keep the light intensity the same by doing all of the experiments in the same room. No extra light will be shone on the experiments, and none of them will be kept in the dark.

List of Equipment: Scalpel

White Tile

Cork Borer

6 Test Tubes


Test Tube Rack

Method: I shall select 3 or 4 large ground potatoes and check that they are firm and healthy. I do not want soft or old potatoes because these could give inaccurate results. I shall then use a clean cork borer to cut 12 cylinders of potato out of them. These cylinders will be of varying lengths so I shall use a sharp scalpel and a ruler to cut them all to the same length (45mm), ensuring that the ends are all cut to 90 degrees. I shall cut the potato chips on a white tile with a scalpel so that no one will be cut. Also while using scalpels everyone will have to wear safety goggles as a standard safety precaution.
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I shall fill the 6 test tubes labelled A-F with varying amounts of distilled water and salt solution. The quantities shall be: -

Distilled Water

Salt Solution

A -

20 ml

0 ml

B -

6 ml

4 ml

C -

2 ml

8 ml

D -

8 ml

2 ml

E -

4 ml

6 ml

F -

0 ml

20 ml

I shall then weigh each individual potato chip on a set of electronic scales ...

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