What factors affect the rate of a chemical reaction?

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What factors affect the rate of a chemical reaction?


I am going to investigate the reaction between sodium thiosulphate and dilute hydrochloric acid.

The rate of this reaction can be changed by a number of things:

  • The temperature
  • The use of a catalyst in the reaction
  • The surface area (Of solid reactants)
  • The concentration of the reactants

I will investigate the effect of varying the concentration of Sodium thiosulphate solution in a reaction with Hydrochloric Acid.

In my preliminary tests I found that a mixture of Sodium thiosulphate and water totalling 50cm³ mixed with 10cm³ of Hydrochloric acid worked at the right type of speed for the time I have to do my experiment in, so these are the amounts I will use in the experiment.

When sodium thiosulphate and hydrochloric acid are mixed together, yellowish sulphur is formed in the liquid, making the clear liquids cloud over. This is the equation for the reaction:

Sodium Thiosulphate + Hydrochloric acid         Sodium chloride + Sulphur Chloride

                                                        + Sulphur + Water

Na  S  O   + 2HCl            2NaCl  +  SO  +  S  +  H  O

I will measure the rate of this reaction by placing 10cm³ of hydrochloric acid in a conical flask. Then I place the conical flask over a piece of paper with an ‘X’ marked on it. Next I will add the 50cm³ mixture of thiosulphate and water into the conical flask and start a stop clock. I will measure the amount of time it takes to make it so you can’t see the ‘X’ by looking down through the solution. I will repeat this for all the different concentrations of thiosulphate and water, and record the time for each one. For each concentration I will also re-test it 2 more items, so I can get the average time from the 3 results giving a more accurate result.

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The equipment I will need is:

  • 2 Measuring Cylinders
  • 1 Conical Flask
  • 1 Stop Watch
  • 1 Piece of paper with cross on it
  • 1 Pipette
  • Sodium Thiosulphate Solution
  • Hydrochloric Acid
  • Water

Below is how I will lay out the experiment:

These are the different concentrations I will use:

In the experiment I will keep these things the same:

  • The temperature (Room temperature)
  • The volume of Hydrochloric Acid
  • The combined volume of Water and Sodium Thiosulphate
  • The equipment

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