Why is swimming good for you?

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Why is swimming good for you?

Swimming is one of the few ways of getting exercise that improves your all-round fitness because it can boost strength, stamina and suppleness all at the same time. You can look at it as having all the cardiovascular benefits of running, but with some of the strength-building effects of weight training and some of the suppleness-promoting effects of dance classes. Swimming uses all the major muscle groups, and is a demanding aerobic exercise that helps to keep your heart and lungs healthy. Swimming also helps to keep your joints flexible, especially in the neck, shoulders, hips and groin as your limbs and body move through the water. Another benefit from the strength and improved co-ordination you build up in swimming is the reduction in risk of falls and hip fractures in the elderly. However, swimming will not build up your bones because you need to perform weight-bearing, land-based exercises to do this. Also there is some evidence that exercise may protect against colon cancer, and can help the elderly retain more of their ability to think clearly.

Swimming is kinder to your body than other sports

Swimming is, generally, kinder to your body than land-based exercise because your natural buoyancy in water helps you avoid the jarring knocks that can cause injuries. In water you weigh about a tenth of your normal weight, and the range of motion for the less fit person is much wider, as the water supports the weight of your limbs. Therefore, it's a good choice for people who want to exercise, but who might have problems with weight-bearing land-based activities. For example, swimming might suit those who have arthritis or back problems, weight problems or are pregnant. The particular groups of muscles used in swimming vary according to the stroke you use. But using a variety of backstroke, front crawl (freestyle) and breast stroke will use all major muscle groups: abdominals, biceps and triceps, gluteals, hamstrings and quadriceps.

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1st 10 minutes

For the 1st 10 minutes, we will be working on a cardiovascular workout.

We will do this by placing a brick in the middle of a width. We will take it in turns to go front crawl, until we reach the brick, then go under water and touch the brick. Then we will swim front crawl to the other end. Then swim back using joy stroke, to the end where we started. Then our partner will follow.

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This is a good essay which would benefit from references to back up the text. The information is comprehensive and the diagrams that are included reinforce the ideas. However the two descriptions of training seemed very isolated within the body of the essay. An explanation before each section would have helped. 3 stars.