"Are gender roles changing or being reinforced"?

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In answer to the question, “Are gender roles changing or being reinforced”? I would definitely say yes. My reason for this supposition is from the information gained from the account of work and women in the middle ages that can be seen in the historical background. In researching this topic, I got most of the information from the book, the changing role of women. I also found a bit of information from the internet, more precisely . Some terms and definitions I found during the itinerary of this coursework are the difference between sex ad gender and socialisation.  


Sociologists use the term sex to describe the biological state of being male or female. For example, male humans have xy chromosomes whereas female humans have xx chromosomes. This should not be confused with gender, which means the way in which males and females behave. The way in which we learn how to behave as male and female is called socialisation. In this essay, I will attempt to establish whether or not gender roles are changing or being reinforced.

Historical background

During the course of the century, the work of men and women has changed. The aim of this historical background is to provide a detailed account of the work of men and women in the middle ages, the industrial revolution, the Second World War and today. I will start by giving a brief summary of the lifecycle of the medieval people and then go on to a detailed account of the work of men and women in the middle ages.

The lifecycle began with childhood where children were under the complete control of the parents (although this differed slightly between the rich and the poor).Marriage was arranged by the parent whether the child liked the future spouse or not. The rich married the rich and powerful and the poor married the poor or peasants. After marriage, although the girl was free of the parents control she was now under the control of her husband. She was expected to wake up quite early in the morning usually about an hour before her husband, do the washing, tidy up the house and cook breakfast before her husband woke up. All the husband was supposed to do was to was to work and bring money home. Death was usually a social event, which involved the getting-together of the whole extended family.

The work of men and women in the middle ages

I will first begin by writing the work of women in the middle ages. The work of women was usually confined to the home where they would combine their various responsibilities (looking after the children, keeping her home going) as well as farming helping the husband. She would also help her husband in his business or do paid work, such as spinning or cloth making. Two pictures of engravings showing cloth making in the home during the eighteenth century are shown below.

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The work of men and women during the industrial revolution.

From the beginning of the eighteenth century onwards, the Industrial Revolution began to change the way in which many people worked. The home was no longer the centre of work. This particularly affected women. Although there was still plenty of work that could be done at home, it tended to be low-paid work, such as making clothes or hats. All the better-paid jobs that had been created by the Industrial Revolution had ...

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