"Assess the different sociological accounts of the role and functions of Religious institutions in contemporary society"

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Sociology Essay

“Assess the different sociological accounts of the role and functions of Religious institutions in contemporary society”

The question has long been asked, is there a place left for religion in the modern world. A world where people place more importance on the success of their football team than in their spirituality. Indeed many would argue that any functions that Religion had in previous decades and centuries have been outdated or replaced. However, there have been many arguments put forward highlighting the role and function of religion in contemporary society.

The first of these is put forward by the Functionalists. The Functionalists would argue that religions most important functions are the transfer of social solidarity, value consensus and promoting harmony and integration.

In Emile Durkheim’s Elementary Forms Of Religious Life, published in 1912, he examined Religions role in promoting social solidarity through what he called the ‘collective worship of society’.  He believed that this collective worship was religions most important function. It promoted faith in common values, helped people to understand and express the moral bonds which united them. Durkheim took as an example, aboriginal society. He argued that the aborigines worshipped their society as a whole through a system of beliefs and practices in relation to specific totems. He believed that this totemism reinforced the belief that society was more important than the individual. This attitude of respect and reverence to sacred objects and duties was transferable to social duties and obligations. He also argued that “If the totem is at once the symbol of God and society, is that not because the God and society are only one?” Therefore he suggested that through worshipping a god, people are also worshipping society. However, critics of Durkheim argued that not only had he studied a very limited number of aboriginal groups, he did not get a broad enough spectrum to be able to make informed generalisations. Also it was argued by Hamilton, writing in 1995, that Durkheim may have overestimated the degree to which the collective conscience permeates society, “The fact that our moral sense might make us go against the majority, the society, or authority, shows that we are nit quite so dependant upon society as Durkheim claims”

Perhaps the major criticism for considering Durkheims work is it’s relevance to contemporary society. Even if Durkheim was correct when he published his thesis, is the same level of totemism around in religion today? Robert Bellah would argue that this has been replaced with another type of religion, the civil or social religion. Bellah specifically looked at religious worship in the USA. He concluded that there was a collective civil religion in the US, in which the people worshipped the God of America. Also, the totemism of previous civilisations, be it worshipping sacred books or articles, had been replaced with items sacred to the people of the US. These ranged from the Star Spangled Banner to the collective saying of the Pledge Of Allegiance in schools. Therefore, it could be argued that whilst the totemism and transfer of societies norms and values used to take place through religion, it has been replaced through other mediums and institutions.

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Malinowski, an anthropologist, expanded on Durkheims work. Whilst agreeing with some of Durkheims points he argued that religion does not reflect society as a whole, nor are religious rituals as the worship of society itself. Malinowski argued that religion mains function was to serve the people through times of social stress. He called these situations ‘life crises’. Included in these were situations such as births, deaths, marriages and puberty. All major religions have ceremonies to cover these events, be they funerals, weddings, bar mitzvahs or baptism. These rituals and ceremonies helped people to cope with these life crisis. He ...

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