Building a National Identity Multi-Racialism Common Practices Bilingualism

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Building a National Identity

* Multi-Racialism

* Common Practices

* Bilingualism


* policy which promotes equality among the races.

* no special rights granted to any particular racial or religious group.


* English is used as the language linking the different ethnic groups.

* Mother Tongue is used to impart moral values & cultural traditions of each race.

Common Practices

* singing the National Anthem, taking the pledge & attending flag raising ceremony.

* inculcates loyalty & national pride.


Social: Equal opportunities for all, regardless of background. Hence, no one is discriminated against and everyone is seen as a valued member of the society, leading to a sense of national identity and a close bond.

Social: Before Singapore got a national identity, it had a racial identity which sparked unhappiness as the majority racial groups had unfair advantages over the minor racial groups. With these policies however, a sense of national identity as Singaporeans is created leading to a harmonious living condition.

Economic: By having a stable multi-racial country, our economic will boom as more tourists would visit the country knowing that it is safe.
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Social: No one has an advantage over others as English is a non-native language for all the ethnic groups.

Social: Use of English has helped communication among Singaporeans and this leads to a sense of national identity as everyone speaks a common language.


Social: Such practices help to foster national identity as everyone carries out the activity together as one while bonding.

Socio-Political-Economic: Tourists & foreigners would think of Singapore as a united and faithful country upon seeing our togetherness in participating in such practices and this would leave a good ...

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