Discuss the portrayal of Indian society in this poem.

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Discuss the portrayal of Indian society in this poem.

        Deception, written by Rabindranath Tagore is told through the eyes of a narrator, who is the husband of Binu. He tells a story of Binu and her husband and their life together in Indian society. In the poem the portrayal of Indian life, is illustrated through various aspects, such as arranged marriages; the class distinctions, Laksmi the goddess, the poverty and dowries.

The class distinctions in Hindu society are called the Caste system. This is portrayed in the poem at several occasions. When Binu introduces Rukmini to her husband and explains that Rukmini needs money.

‘She looked me in the eyes, Bowed, withdrew to the platform where she stood clutching a pillar’

 This shows that obviously Rukmini was in a lower class than Binu’s husband because of the way she reacted, she bowed to and then withdrew from his presence and stood at a distance. I think that Rukmini might have been in the ‘untouchable’ caste because she did not consider herself worthy enough to even stand in the presence of Binu’s husband. She had to go and stand at a distance while Binu explained Rukmini’s need for money. The way that she bowed in front of him also portrays that she was lower class than him because she was showing him a sign of respect. In The Caste system the Jats determine which range of jobs you do. Marriage usually took place between people of the same Jat and people normally died in the same group. There are certain rules that say that people in different Jats cannot eat, drink or even smoke in each others company. The word clutching shows the fact that Rukmini was desperate and that she really need help, this also supports that she was in the untouchables caste.

There are four groups which are called the Varna. There is also a fifth which are called the ‘untouchables’. The untouchables did not belong to any caste. They were called the Dalit. They were untouched by the four other castes. In some areas even their shadow touching a member of the Varnas was considered polluting. They worked in what was considered polluting jobs and were never accepted by society. The Highest status was called the Brahmins and this consisted of priests and intellectuals. I think that Binu’s husband and Binu herself were part of this caste because it says in the poem

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‘And began to read an English novel that I had bought’

This shows that Binu’s husband was very well educated because he spoke English and only the rich and high powered could afford to learn to speak English. This therefore supports the fact that Binu and her husband are from the Brahmin’s caste. In the quotation

‘Whoever heard of such a thing? The woman was probably a sweeper or something equally disgusting’

The harsh sounding of the word disgusting shows the contempt and hatred that the upper caste show towards the untouchables.

 It shows the ...

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