Research project: How have values and norms changed over the years?

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Fabien Oram

Values and Norms

I interviewed two different people, one woman aged 65 and a boy aged 16, my aim was to find out some of the social differences between the two. How values and norms have changed over the years.

The questions were made upon things that have changed over the years such as how the topic “sex” is dealt with. With this type of questions it makes it easier to identify how a person raised in different ages one with sex being a taboo topic and one without, you can see how norms and values change.

My interviews were structured but I did alter it slightly to adapt to the answer given, I made it structured to make it a bit more valid as the same basis of questions would be asked. The interview lasted about 10 minutes each and I asked a serious of questions and questioned the answers they made.

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What I found out

The opinion between the two subjects is generally different but they do have some similarities.

The 16 year old male attitude seems to be more lazy, it’s as if he knows how it should be, but knows it wont be made that way, he takes things as they come and generally goes with the flow of change, much more adaptable to situations, although he has a lot of strong views about things being like they were back in the older days not of his generation when things were a bit more strict, ...

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