Sociological explanations of crime and deviance

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  Crime and Deviance Essay

Functionalist approaches in sociology derive mainly from the work of Emile Durkheim at the end of the nineteenth century. He believed societies were held together by shared values and economic interdependence.

  There is always according to Durkheim, the possibility of collapse of society if the values are not constantly reaffirmed and passed on from one generation to the next. Therefore the maintenance of values is a crucial function of society.

According to Durkheim, furthermore there are two important elements to understand crime, which can be seen as contradictory. A limited amount of crime is necessary and beneficial to society, so much so that society could not exist without some form of deviance. However, too much crime is bad for society and can assist to bring about its collapse. Thus the amount of crime determines what is beneficial or destructive for society.

  Marxists argue that society is dominated and controlled by those who own the ‘commanding heights’ of industry, commerce and finance. They believe the definition of what is criminal reflects the dominant social values. Causing the death of another person while in a fit of temper, for example, during a street brawl, is regarded as murder. Yet the death of a factory worker due to their work environment is, at worst, worthy of a fine.

 According to Functionalists, deviants are in some way different from the normal rule following types. They believe a normal person may commit an isolated deviant act, but the true deviant is one who consistently proves himself or herself to be different from the rest.

Marxists, nevertheless, consider that criminal and deviants are the same as normal people. They are the victims of a repressive state which targets the poorest and least powerful. On the other hand, when the rich and powerful are caught engaging in a illegal act they are rarely deemed a criminal.

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Feminists believe that all women are controlled by men in some way or another. Women are likely to be defined as deviant when they engage in behaviour which is regarded as a rejection of their roles in society.  Generally, functionalists suggest that crime arises from a weakening of the social cohesion that binds society together. They assume that most people are naturally selfish, and it is only through a process of socialisation that they are persuaded to act in socially responsible ways. If, for whatever reason, socialisation breaks down, then crime occurs.

Marxists, on the other hand, believe crime originates ...

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