Sociology notes

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Sociology notes


Finds Utopian Sociologists- unrealistic

Studied law

  • ideas passed on by friend and student Engel-  passed on the ideas and emphasizes the scientific side of Marx theory displaying Marx as a pioneer in the Sociology department.
  • Russian Revolution linked to Marx (1917)
  • Soviet Union classes related and should not a direct result of Marx- something got confused!
  • Marxism “the opiate of the intellectuals” trendy

Believed that the workers would revolt in order for his way to exist.  First time worker revolt- unsuccessful 1848 in the soviet.  Workers of the World unite- not nationalist, believed all working revolt together against the elites. Romantic element to “after the revolt everything will be ok” religious almost.  Mix of French- politics, German- philosophy, English- economics.

German influence- Hegal conservative radicals

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French Politics- enlightenment , radically socialist

English Economics- industrial revolution

Universal class- breakdown civil society

Wanted to move forward, work to be done- forget the past

  • a group following Hegles ideas- bureaucracy would decide what would happen and everyone would be treated equally resulting
  • not religion as the unifying source- critique causes problems

Got fired and moved from Germany to France- during the enlightenment

Expressing views openly and wrote book- “League of the Just”-Manifesto this is what we believe.  Gets excited in Radicalism and Economics

Marx was a predicter of the future- belived certain things ...

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