The Sapir-Whorf hypothesis concludes that the language individuals speak shapes their understanding of the world

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Define, and explain one of the following sociological concepts, using an original example: a) Cultural lag, b) ethnocentrism as opposed to cultural relativism, or c) the Sapir-Whorf thesis. Explain your example in such a way that you demonstrate that you understand the terminology.

The Sapir-Whorf hypothesis concludes that the language individuals speak shapes their understanding of the world and even the way they behave in it. Common sense would allege that language is merely to express to the world what we perceive; however, this hypothesis communicates the opposite. The hypothesis supposes that the language a person speaks influences his/her thoughts. Language provides a cultural view through which a person perceives the world. Meaning, each language represents a different worldview.

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Our words depend on our thoughts, not vice versa, correct? We express our thoughts and feelings through the words of our language. There are certain things you are able to say in one language that may not even make sense in another; therefore, in that circumstance this hypothesis is correct. Furthermore, language and culture are very closely associated with each other. Each culture holds different beliefs. That is basically where we develop our values from. We consider specific ideas of the world to be wrong, and others to be right; even if it is not necessarily correct. For example, ...

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