When Well's wrote "The Time Machine" the Victorian period had ended. Socially and scientifically a new phase had begun. How are the hopes and fears of this new era reflected in the novel?

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When Well's wrote "The Time Machine"

the Victorian period had ended.

Socially and scientifically a new phase had begun.

How are the hopes and fears of this new era

reflected in the novel?

During and after the Victorian period there was a barrier between the classes. The people were put into classes according to their status i.e. upper class, middle class and working class. "The Time Machine" depicts the Morlocks, as the working class and the Eloi are the upper class.

"The Time Machine" is a book, which deals with the evolution of science, technology and society. In "The Time Machine" and in post Victorian society, technology made everything easier for everybody but the Eloi received the benefits whilst in "The Time Machine" and in post Victorian society the upper class received the benefits whereas the Morlocks and the working class toiled all day so that the Eloi and the upper class could receive the benefits.

The story of "The Time Machine" is set in 802,701 AD and is a political commentary of post Victorian England. It is a dystopia, a vision of a troubled future or an otherwise negative utopia. It recommended that the current society changed its ways otherwise it would end up like the Eloi, terrified of an underground race of vicious Morlocks who seemed particularly inhuman "...how nauseatingly inhuman they looked...those pale chinless faces...lidless pinkish grey eyes."
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The Time Traveller devises three theories whilst in 802,701 AD. The time traveller's first theory is about how Eloi society functions appeared to be a critique of communism and he identifies the operations of capitalism as the source of tension between the Eloi and the Morlocks. The time traveller thinks he has arrived in a communist paradise, and that the Eloi are creatures, which are the result of a world without hardship and fear.

In the Eloi, Wells ridiculed post Victorian corruption. Whilst in the Morlocks, Wells provided a Marxist analysis of capitalism.

The Time Traveller ...

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