Mrs Sandra Pearce St Mary Magdalene ChurchJunction of Windmill Hill And the Ridgeway Enfield EN2 7AJ Dear Madam,                 My name is Neha Tailor and I am from Broomfield school. I will be doing a two week work experience placement at your playgroup, from Monday 31 January 2005 to Friday
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11 February 2005. I have been informed that I do not work on Mondays and my working hours are: Tue/Thu/Fri 9:00am - 3:30pm and Wed 9.00am – 12.20pm. I have also been informed that I will be having a 1 hour lunch break.         For my citizenship GCSE coursework, I have been assigned to complete a research report based on my two week work experience. This report will be approximately 1,600 words in length, and is worth 40% of my final Citizenship GCSE grade. The title for my research report is Health and Safety, and I would appreciate any help and ...

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