lab report: the hardness of water

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Hardness of water

Background:  water hardness results from the presence of calcium and magnesium ions in solution. Te more Ca 2+ and Mg2+ ions present, the harder the water is.

Aim: to investigate the hardness of different water by using titration

Hypothesis: the harder the water, the more volume of EDTA it will take to change the indicator. For this experiment, Contrex will need the largest volume of EDTA as it is a strong mineral water. Tap water will need the least volume of EDTA to change the color as it is not strong as mineral water.

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Materials: burette, conical flask, ring clamp and stand, 25cm3 of O.O2M EDTA solution, 50 cm3 of Vittel, Contrex and tap water, 12 cm3 of pH 10 buffer solution, 2cm3 of Murexide indicator


Independent Variables: the amount of EDTA solution needed to change the color of the indicator, the time needed to change the color of the indicator

Dependent variables: the concentration of magnesium and calcium ions in water


  1. add 25cm3 of EDTA into a burette.
  2. check for air bubbles and leaks
  3. add 25cm3 of vittel into a conical flask
  4.  Add 2cm3 of pH 10 buffer solution ...

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