Specific Heat of Copper Lab

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J. Ryan

Specific Heat of a Metal

Pre – Lab: 

  • (mass of water)(specific heat water)(temperature of water final - temperature of water initial)=(mass of metal)(unknown)(temperature of metal final - temperature of metal initial)
  • percentage error = (measure-actual/actual) x 100


  1. Measure the initial temperature of the water and the and the metal and also measure the mass of both
  2. Measure the mass of the beaker then fill a large beaker which is about half full of water. Place the beaker of water on the hot plate then start heating the water until it reaches boiling point

             3)    Record the mass of the calorimeter

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4)    Fill the calorimeter approximately half full with distilled water at room temperature and record the mass  and temperature

5)    Add the metal carefully into the beaker and wait at least 10 minutes before doing anything.

6)    While the metal is still in the boiling water, measure the temperature of the water with a thermometer and record. It will be assumed that the temperature of the metal is the same as the boiling water.

7) After the metal has been heating 10 minutes, remove the test tube from the beaker. Immediately pour the metal into the calorimeter ...

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