1. Policy of “Salutary Neglect” rules colonial relationship
  1. Colonists get used to a loose relationship

  1. King George III takes the throne (1760)
  1. Crazy young king takes over and wants to prove he is tough.
  2. George Grenville is made Prime Minister

  1. French and Indian War ends (1763)
  1. Britain gets lots of land
  2. Britain falls into lots of debt
  3. France loses all its territory in the Western hemisphere except for Haiti
  4. France wants revenge

  1. Proclamation of 1763
  1. Britain attempts to keep colonists and Natives separate
  2. Colonists told they can’t cross the Appalachian Mountains
  3. Colonists get mad at being told where they can and can’t go.

  1. Sugar Act is passed (1764)
  1. Britain increase control of the seas to catch smugglers
  2. Imposes the use of Admiralty courts to try anyone caught breaking the Navigation Acts

  1. Stamp Act is passed (1765)
  1. Used to pay 20% of the costs of having the British military protect the colonies
  2. Colonists unite and boycott British goods in protest

  1. Quartering Act is passed (1765)
  1. Colonists are required to provide food and housing for British soldiers – even in peacetime!

  1. Stamp Act is repealed (1766)
  1. Colonists learn that if they unite in protest, they can get things done

  1. Townshend Acts are passed (1767)
  1. Series of taxes on tea, glass, lead, paint, etc
  2. Used to pay the royal judges and governors in the colonies
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  1. Boston Massacre (1770)
  1. 5 colonists are shot

  1. Committees of Correspondence begin (1772)
  1. Sam Adams starts spreading propaganda and information throughout the colonies

  1. Boston Tea Party (1773)
  1. Mad at the monopoly given to the British East India Tea Company
  2. Sons of Liberty dress up like Native Americans

  1. Coercive Acts are passed (early 1774)
  1. Boston Harbor is closed
  2. New England town meetings are canceled
  3. Intolerable!

  1. 1st Continental Congress (1774)
  1. Everyone but Georgia meet in Philadelphia
  2. Tell Massachusetts to start raising ...

This is a preview of the whole essay