Investigating Divisibility

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                Jenny Yang |

Investigating Divisibility

1. Factorize the expression P(n) = nx – n for x{2,3,4,5}. Determine if the expression is always divisible by the corresponding x. If divisible, use mathematical induction to prove your results by showing whether P(k+1) – P(k) is always divisible by x. Using appropriate technology, explore more cases, summarize your results and make a conjecture for when nx – n is divisible by x.

I broke each question into more manageable pieces:

i) Factorize the expression P(n) = nx – n for x{2,3,4,5}:

x = 2        P(n) = n2 - n = n (n -1)

x = 3          P(n) = n3 - n =  n(n +1) (n -1)

x = 4           P(n) = n4 - n = n(n -1) (n2 + n +1)

x = 5    P(n) = n5 - n = n(n2+1) (n +1) (n -1)

ii) Determine if the expression is always divisible by the corresponding x:

(determine implies that a formal proof by induction is not needed)

a) x = 2, is P(n)= n(n-1) divisible by 2?

 (An inductive approach was taken to be more thorough for x=2)

I) Is it correct for n =1.  

P(1) = (1)(1-1)=0, 0÷2=0, it is correct for n =1.

II) Assume it is correct for n=k:

 let k2-k = k(k -1)= 2M, where MI.

II) Consider n=k+1:

P(k+1) = (k+1) (k+1-1)

=k (k+1)

= k2+k

=(k2- k) + 2k

= 2M + 2k

= 2 (M+k)

By the principle of math of induction, the statement is true for all natural numbers.

b) x =3, is P(n)= n(n-1)(n+1)  divisible by 3?

Yes because when you have the product of three consecutive integers, one of them will always be a multiple of 3.

c) x = 4, is P(n)= n(n -1) (n2 + n +1) divisible by 4?

No because there is no coefficient of four, and it’s not the product of four consecutive numbers.

d) x=5, is P(n) = n(n2+1) (n +1) (n -1) divisible by 5?


iii) If divisible, use mathematical induction to prove your results by showing whether P(k+1) – P(k) is always divisible by x.

P(n) = nx – n

Difference = P(k+1)  - P(k) = (k + 1) x - (k +1) - kx  + k

If x = 2,    Difference         = (k + 1) 2 - (k +1) – k2  + k

                               = k2 + 2k +1- k -1- k2+ k

= 2k

 P(k+1) – P(k) is divisible by x for P(n)= nx – n when x =2.

If x = 3,    Difference         = (k+1) 3 - (k +1) - k3+ k

                              = k3 + 3 k2 + 3k +1 - k -1 - k3 + k

                        = 3 k2 +3 k

                        = 3 (k2+ k)

 P(k+1) – P(k) is divisible by x for P(n)= nx – n when x =3.

If x = 4,    Difference         =(k+1) 4- (k +1) - k4+ k

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                        = k4 + 4 k3 + 6k2 +4k + 1 - k -1 – k4 + k

                        = 4 k3 + 6k2 +4k

 P(k+1) – P(k) is not always divisible by x for P(n)= nx – n when x =4. It is only divisible when 6k2 is divisible by 4.

If x = 5,    Difference        = (k+1)5- (k +1) - k5 + k

                        = k5 + 5 k4 + 10k3 +10k2 + 5k+ 1 - k -1 – k5 + k

                        = 5 k4+ 10k3+10k2+ 5k

                        = 5 (k4+ 2k3+2k2+ k)

 P(k+1) – P(k) is divisible by x for P(n)= nx – n when ...

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