Critically evaluate the Learning Perspective in terms of the following categories: a) Reductionism vs. non-reductionism b) Structuralism vs. functionalism c) Objectivity vs. subjectivity d) Nomothetic vs. ideographic

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10/1/2009Written Assignment in Psychology Critically evaluate the Learning Perspective in terms of the following categories: a) Reductionism vs. non-reductionismb) Structuralism vs. functionalismc) Objectivity vs. subjectivityd) Nomothetic vs. ideographic     The learning perspective and its study have given birth to numerous issues and debates in the world of psychology. There happen to be four main debates which arise from the behaviorist approach, one of the five major approaches in psychology. The particular issues are i) reductionism vs. non-reductionism, ii) structuralism vs. functionalism, iii) objectivity vs. subjectivity and iv) nomothetic vs. ideographic. In this short report, we will be examining these four major debates and attempt to evaluate the learning perspective based on the ideas hidden behind the issues studied.    The first debate we are examining is reductionism vs. non-reductionism. We are going to go over the main arguments of this debate. On one hand, we have the approach of reductionism. Reductionism revolves around the idea that behavior can be reduced to minute (tiny) units of analysis such as connections between various stimuli and responses; neuron activity, muscle movements and any larger units of analysis are utterly pointless in this case. Reductionists also state that
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explanations of complex wholes in terms of the units of which those “wholes” are composed are the only explanations that are worthwhile. This entire idea makes perfect sense considering the fact that the learning perspective focuses on the idea that the environment (stimuli) totally affects someone’s behavior (responses) from the moment he is born. Pavlov’s research on dogs and their responses to a number of stimuli in the 1920’s solidifies this position. On the other hand, we happen to have the approach of non-reductionism that rivals that of reductionism. Its main ideas are as follows: Thorough knowledge of organisms cannot ...

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