Belief and Certitude Essay

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David Erickson


Group C

9 October 2012

TOK Belief and Certitude

        Truth is the one thing in which everyone seeks, yet no one can agree to be absolute.  It is that fleeting entity which blows past in the wind.  Yet as human beings we desperately try to grasp at the wind while it runs through our fingers.  Although it is the plasticity of many pathways in which one can arrive at a truth, Logic is the chief pathway in which we find truth and certitude in the world and in ourselves.

        Logic, although not foolproof, is the most efficient and concrete way to arrive at a truth.  It is logic which enables us to make sense out of things.  It is logic which enables math to occur, in which a plethora of philosophers believe to be the only absolute truth. But before one determines if something is true or not, they must first discern the definition of “truth”, however, it is not as simple as that. Truth is one of the core pillars in which philosophy is built upon, and it has been a controversial topic for thousands of years, with many varying definitions and theories regarding it.  However, as humans who have debated the subject thoroughly, we have come up with a broad definition as a “guideline” for distinguishing truths vs non truths, courtesy of Plato.  To make something true it must satisfy three characteristics; it must be public, independent of our beliefs, and eternal.  To discern if something satisfies these characteristics one uses reason, and it is logic which tests reason, thus making logic the most effective pathway to truth.  

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        Logic is one of only two “formal systems” the other being mathematics (which is saturated with logic).  Logic begins with axioms, statements accepted without proof and considered to be self-evident.  This illustrates how a truth can be deduced if that truth is recognized by anyone who understands it, and who reflects back on it with thought.  For example, 22 divided by 2 is 11, and although this is not self-evident, one can find truth based on the calculations, which in this case are self-evident, making it true and allowing it to lack observational evidence.  This can also be seen in ...

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