To understand something you have to rely on your own experience and culture. Does this mean it is impossible to have objective knowledge?

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Extended essay question

To understand something you have to rely on your own experience and culture. Does this mean it is impossible to have objective knowledge?

Can people rely on only experience and culture as a way of knowing? And is it possible to have an objective opinion, or do people just claim to be to be "objective" even though they're not? This question has no one specific answer and can be viewed from many ways.  

"‘Culture’ is the behaviors and beliefs characteristic of a particular social, ethnic, or age group, or the sum total of ways of living built up by a group of human beings and transmitted from one generation to another". Therefore, culture does effect decisions on some concepts and affects people's point of view, based on their culture. Now days in Oman, marriage is affected by people's culture. Oman is known for its mixture of race but every citizen here is still an 'Omani' although they all belong to different surnames and tribes. This affects people's decision on who to marry and what 'surname', preferably the same one or one that belongs to the same tribe. This is common in my country and when a person is looking for a wife or husband the first thing they'd look for is someone from that specific surname. Although marriage is known as being based on the experience of love and trust.

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Experience is a group of events and incidents that a person goes through on a daily basis in his life, experience can be small or big; they can happen at home, school, work, countries.. etc. They can be individual, between two people or at group level. Some experiences can be small and hence have a small effect. People can forget these experiences. However, some experiences can be very strong in a way that effects peoples beliefs, ideas and attitudes towards issues. Moreover, the more that experience repeats the stronger the effect they have on how people feel about matters or ...

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