
[The book I did was  “A complicated Kindness” by Miriam Toews] Sixteen year old Nomi Nickel lives with her dad Ray Nickel in a small Mennonite town talks about her life after the disappearance of her sister followed by her mother.   I really enjoyed reading a complicated kindness, it was a great book because its not like most books ive read where the good guy kills the bad guy;but because it was personal and there wasn’t a huge plot or anything.  Linda Richards from the January Magazine said that it was difficult for her to dissect this lovely book. The aspects were looked at from the eyes of a young rebel who has our sympathy from the first page.


[For the Plot] The novel has no central plot line; it’s told by Nomi’s personal experience and doesn’t follow a consecutive order. It is also unnerving and somewhat funny. When she speaks  about the Mennonites and how they’re the most embarrassing type of people to belong to when you’re a teenager,she describes the event of how Menno Simons came up with his ‘’religion thing’’ and ended up with a Mennonite community.

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  Another example is when she wonders where her mom disappeared to, and how mennos don’t really care because that’s how stuff works out in their community. Everyday a happy family breaks down and manage to fly away.She imagines her mom travelling around the world because that’s what she was always up to but what’s disappointing is the fact that she left her passport.

   I think that part drew my attention and made the plot sound more curious. It also giveses the reader the ability to draw a conclusion of where her mom my might be .. BUT ...

This is a preview of the whole essay