A study of Repression in the Neurotic Heroines

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A study of repression in the neurotic heroines

After studying Death and the maiden and Hedda Gabler, the two heroines of the plays, Paulina and Hedda, caught my attention in how they behave, the reasons behind their personalities and the different ways these two characters contend with repression. In this essay I am going to study how repression had influenced these two characters, and its connection with the characters’ neurotic behaviour.

Both plays are based on real societies. The character Hedda Gabler comes from an aristocratic background in the nineteenth century.  Married to an exemplary scholar whom she clearly does not love and has no intentions to improve their relationship. Hedda is a selfish, proud and cruel person. She toys with others because she cannot find any entertainment or solace in life, even though she knows she’s inflicting pain on other people. Her ability to manipulate people is so powerful, that the ruining of her own life is without doubt the cause of the destruction of other characters’ lives. Death and the maiden is based on a more modern society. Paulina Salas is the wife of a lawyer, living a normal life, although she has always been tormented by a terrifying experience in the past, she was arrested by the government seventeen years ago, raped and tortured in the most inhuman manner before being released. The action of the play occurs when a man comes in to the house. She takes her revenge on this man who she claims to be involved with her abduction. She goes to extremes to get a confession from Roberto.

The thing that Hedda and Paulina have in common is that they do not wish to communicate their difficulties with other people, making the situation of themselves worse. But they have no choice but to keep it that way. This lack of communication made the characters desperate, afraid and hysterical, which is revealed in their actions to defend themselves. Hedda could not tell anyone how she felt because she is too proud. She would rather remain silent than deal openly with her dissatisfaction and her growing fear of drowning in boredom. Even when she did tell Brack “(Tesman)Always busy. But I wasn’t, Brack! I was bored…So bored.” It gave Brack an opportunity to conjure at an affair between themselves. Paulina did not tell what exactly happened to her to Gerardo, because to protect his feelings towards her, and to try and forget the past. We can see this from Gerado’s  confusion when Paulina mentioned “The doctor who played schubert”. But during the process of getting the confession from Roberto, all the things she kept from him are all brought up, and there was a communication and understanding between them. This made the endings of the plays different, Death and the Maiden ending with our heroine having her justice, and Hedda Gabler choosing to end her intolerable life.

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The conflict between Hedda Gabler’s personality and the nineteenth century society caused Hedda to be miserable. Her personality was much to do with her upbringing. As the daughter of a general, she had learned to shoot and ride. She asks Tesman about “the horse I have hoped for”, then “thank goodness I’ve one thing left, I can still amuse myself” which is her father’s pistols. These where perceived as hard masculine activities that a woman of that time would not do, but she cannot escape from being a woman. It is her duty to marry, suddenly the roles of a ...

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