Cat on a Hot Tin Roof Act 1 Summary

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Summary- Act One The play Cat On A Hot Tin Roof by Tennessee Williams is set in Mississippi, USA in the Big pollit mansion on a cotton plantation owned by the protagonist family. The play starts off with one of the lead characters, Margaret, entering her and her husband, Brick’s bedroom in a frenzy because the no-neck monsters (Brick’s brother Gooper and his wife Mae’s children) had ruined her dress. Maggie is the plays cat on a hot tin roof as it is said in the act where she refers her self as such. It is also evident that she craves Brick’s love and that his refusal to granther that has not affected her physically as she proudly flaunts her body to Brick to show off how it has ‘remained intact’, but she claims it has
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turned her hard, nervous and bitter. Margaret then reveals her opinion on Gooper and Mae’s intentions which is to “cut Brick out his fathers estate” since Big Daddy (Gooper and Brick’s father) is dying of cancer. Brick is very indifferent to this news and does not show much interest in neither Maggie nor what she has to say. This is shown through his tonality and the stage directions for example Act One page 25 when it is said the Brick replies to Maggie absently. Brick is developed as an overall indifferent character with a lot of masculinity and very self ...

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