The central theme of the play "A Dolls House" is servitude. Servitude is demonstrated first through the main character Nora.

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The central theme of the play A Doll’s House is servitude. Servitude is demonstrated first through the main character Nora. At the time, women were supposed to meet they’re social obligations, in which they were only allowed to support their husband’s reputation, take care of their children and make sure the house was perfect. Males on the other hand have the role of decision making and taking on politics and work. Nora in this case has no money, and her financial dependence is placed on her husband Torvald. Before marrying Torvald, her financial dependence was placed on her father. Therefore Nora has an economic servitude.

Nora’s economic servitude was further complicated as she undertook the bank loan to pay for Torvald’s treatment. This bank loan was a major struggle for Nora, as she forged a signature in order to receive it and thus she had to pay it back without Torvald knowing.  This forged signature was evidence of Nora breaking the law and stepping away from her role in society, which proved she wasn’t completely helpless as Torvald implied: "you poor helpless little creature!"

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Nora’s economic servitude caused her to face a life decision of leaving her family. Society demands the wife to stay under her husband’s command. Torvald perceives Nora as his treasure, in this case his doll that cannot deal with any issues that are known as male obligations, almost as though she is a property of his as he implied: “Mayn’t I look at my dearest treasure? At all the beauty that belongs to no one but me- that’s all my very own?”

The main metaphor used in this play is through the title. As the doll represents Nora, she ...

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