The influence of Uncles and Stories on Alba and of the Wife on the Colonel

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The influence of Uncles and Stories on Alba and of the Wife on the Colonel. Do these represent to the characters a shift towards or away from reality?


In the midst of wandering souls, telepathy, dreams, tibetan dances, tunnels of book, pendulums, and vegetarian diets, Isabel Allende provides Little Alba with a talismanic, haunting and magical world to inhabit. These however, manage to survive the passage of time only through those who practice and tell of these arts: Uncles and Stories. The stories of these uncles eventually become heirlooms passed on to Little Alba. Whilst Great Uncle Marcos' and Uncle Nicolas' anecdotes seem to serve as a vehicle to move away from reality, Uncle Jaime's practicality seem to be the main force behind Alba's eventual shift towards reality. Gabriel Garcia Marquez will not allow the Colonel to get lost in the hopes and illusions raised by the rooster. He therefore provides him with a constant reminder of the reality of the hard times they are living and are probably yet to come - his wife.


The latent presence of uncles In Allende's The House of the Spirits begins to be felt by the reader as early as the beginning of chapter one . The delivery of the body of Uncle Marcos and all his possessions (Adende, 9) unleashes the omnipresence of the magic adventures evolving around this eccentric character, who is said to have been heroically resurrected and behind a bright smile one day showed up to the del Valle's door. Allende allows Uncle Marcos' spirit to five on in characters such as Clara, who 'seemed to be flying in an airplane, like her Uncle Marcos, unmoored from land, seeking God through Tibetan sciences' (Adende,127). The same quest is undertaken by Little Alba's uncle Nicols, who had 'inherited the adventurous spirit of his greet Uncle Marcos' (Allende, 136), and was convinced God existed only after his pilgrimage across the Himalayas on foot. On his return from India Uncle Nicolas becomes to Albe what Great-Uncle Marcos was to Clara and Blanca. At six, Lit% Alba 'had discovered the magic books in the enchanted trunks of her legendary Uncle-Marcos and had fully entered the world-without-return of the imagination' (Allende, 268). SO great is the influence of uncles on Little Alba meant to be, that when Allende wrote The House of The Spirits through the voice and memoirs of Alba, uncles and stories became the most recurring symbol throughout the novel.

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The Colonel seeks an alternative to his reality in the excitement and hopes of his rooster winning the cock fights still to come for another two months. At times. he seems distant enough in his mind, he appears to have forgotten he has a house and wife to feed and support. However, his wife's physical conditions do not allow him to get lost in these illusions for more than a few seconds. Her asthma, her gravely and heavy breathing, and recurring physical descriptions such as, 'She was scarcely more than a bit of white on an arched, rigid spine' ...

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