his author will compare and contrast the strengths and weaknesses of the Myers-Briggs, the Rorschach assessment tests, and self help books. These assessment instruments will be examined for their validity, comprehensiveness, applicability and cultural uti

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Personality Assessment Instrument paper 

Anthony Stamatouras 

University of Phoenix


July 18, 2009

                         Personality Assessment Instrument Paper

        This author will compare and contrast the strengths and weaknesses of the Myers-Briggs, the Rorschach assessment tests, and self help books. These assessment instruments will be examined for their validity, comprehensiveness, applicability and cultural utility.  They were all created to assist people in understanding the mental perceptions of each other through a focus on personality. These assessment tools have been used   for many decades and have been relied upon by industries to make determinations on the future of workers and of businesses. It is apparent, however, that the Myers-Briggs tool is a much more effective test that the Rorschach and self help books because it is reliable and leaves little room for bias on the part of  the evaluator.

        The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator(MBTI) personality assessment focuses on Jung’s concept of personality types and a personality inventory (Geyer, 2006, sec. 1-3). The initial work on the MBTI began in the 1940s and has been revised on a constant basis since that time.   It is considered reliable because of the test-retest method of reliability that has demonstrated a 75% repeat result from participants   (Geyer, 2006, sec. 1-3). Therefore, the test is used by many businesses and organizations as a clear assessment tool for personality indicators of employees.

The use of the MBTI began in 1942 as a tool in business that assisted managers in resolving organizational issues and in placing workers in positions where their abilities would be most useful. Geyer (2006) suggests that the MBTI can be significant when connected to corresponding personality types to "communication, organizational issues, teamwork, counseling, careers, strategic thinking, performance appraisals, leadership and stress management  (Geyer, 2006)  Personality in concerning these situations is important because understanding it will lead managers to comprehend how successful individuals will be at interacting with one another Furthermore, the elements of personality will determine whether or not  the individual is future focused or inclined to ponder to past. According to Jung’s research on personalities, this information leads to an understanding of introversion and extroversion as well.

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Jung believed that extroverted people were those that were at the forefront of creating change, that they often made good leaders with vision and that they were capable of working well within large organizations. The introverted person, however, has a tendency reflect on the past and ponder decisions before they are made (Geyer, 2006, sec. 1-3). The introverted person also prefers a quiet atmosphere in which he or she can contemplate the immediate task at hand. Additionally the person can either   be “sensing or intuitive. Sensing people have the ability to analyze a situation based on reality, or the here and now. Intuitive people, however, look beyond the reality ...

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