The Most Painful Disease: Major Depressive Disorder

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The Most Painful Disease: Major Depressive Disorder

The Most Painful Disease: Major Depressive Disorder

By: Tahmid Zaman


Ms. E. Papaiconomou


The Most Painful Disease: Major Depressive Disorder

        A case study conducted by Steven Klotz, MD, and Judith Crowel, MD (State University Hospital at Stony Brook, Stony Brook, New York, USA) allowed medical science to discover efficient results for the fluoxetine hydrochloride, which is a medicine to treat Major Depressive Disorder. An increased dose to 20 mg allowed an unnamed Gr.11 student to have astonishing results over an eighteen month period. After his unfortunate birth to a substance abusive mother, the student was neglected as a child. Three grueling weeks later, he was given up for adoption by his maternally inept mother. Early in this childhood, he showed symptoms of mental illnesses like ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder) and impulsive behaviours. The student was often found crying and felt under pressure without any anxiety. The patient was an excellent athlete and student, but over the years it deteriorated showing clear symptoms of depression. However, he always denied any suicidal contemplation. Various mental tests showed his disorders as having difficulty organizing ideas and lack of words. It was apparent that he suffered major depressive disorder. Then regular doses of the fluoxetine improved his academic and social abilities to the point where he admitted to a college and was functioning properly after eighteen months of medication.

        Major depressive disorder is an extreme psychotic condition that follows one end of an unipolar disorder. Major depression is a broad disorder where different people are affected in different ways. Physically, major depression disorder is a chemical imbalance in the brain that causes feelings of gloominess and utter worthlessness. Major depression might include eating or sleeping too much or too little, a continuous feeling of worthlessness and guilt, fatigue, difficulty, with concentration and memory, feelings of hopelessness and helplessness, headaches, body aches and suicidal thoughts. Depression is usually caused by traumatic experiences where a person might experience the loss of a significant figure or quite possibly even “heartbreak”, which leads to feelings of worthlessness and emptiness. Research has shown that depression can be caused by both biological and nurturing factors. A person with a sibling or parent who has had major depression is “1.5 to 3 times more likely” to acquire the disorder than others.

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        Diagnosing major depression disorder follows a series of a simple step where five out of the nine symptoms are required; here are as it follows:

  • Depressed mood most of the day, nearly everyday, indicated by either subjective report, or observation made by others.
  • Markedly diminished interest or pleasure in all, or almost all, activities most of the day, nearly everyday.
  • Significant weight loss when not dieting or weight gain (i.e.: change of ±5% in one month), or decrease or increase in appetite nearly everyday.
  • Insomnia or hypersomnia nearly everyday.
  • Psychomotor agitation or retardation nearly everyday.
  • Fatigue or loss of ...

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