Faigley (1986) proposed that there were three perspectives on writing: the expressive, the cognitive and the social (ibid:527-528). Critically discuss which of these perspectives may have the potential to contribute to the development of novice writers i

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U0847577    ED2012 Sem B Wed 6 – 8pm

Faigley (1986) proposed that there were three perspectives on writing: the expressive, the cognitive and the social (ibid:527-528).

Critically discuss which of these perspectives may have the potential to contribute to the development of novice writers into expert writers.

Like an artist painting a picture, the writer creates a journey into the specific meaning of the image that they are producing, perhaps for the sake of him or herself, perhaps for the reader, maybe to influence or educate, or simply to entertain. Whatever the purpose, well-composed work, whether subtly or flagrantly, distinguishes itself as an artistic form seeking to display the interpretive features of its existence. In light of all this, I enjoy writing. I enjoy the prescriptive nature of altering the formative structure of a text in a possibly ostentatious manner. I enjoy combining meanings to create a fluid sense of theme, all the while adhering to a central underlying message to convey to the audience. I enjoy providing insight into myself so that my personality or social history is a part of every single word. I enjoy the quiet enthusiasm that is expressed from adjectives properly placed in correct proportion so as to align to the magical flow that I wish to invoke, as if supernaturally.

Utilising the congenial above-mentioned elements, the purpose of the essay you are about to read is to analyse critically, three paradigms of writing and their impact on the evolution of novice writers into expert writers. This will be the central underlying theme of the paper and one in which I challenge the reader to consider upon reflection of the three views on writing which are, as Faigley (1986) proposed, the expressive, the cognitive and the social. The structure of this theme will be presented as a main body of work centred around the cognitive view with the alternate paradigms ‘bolted on’ in unison to highlight the balance between all three perspectives that I believe is detrimental to the creation of expert writers. Throughout the text, Faigley will be fundamental toward the analysis and his work ‘The Competing Theories of Process: A Critique and a Proposal (1986)’ will be drawn upon from time to time. With that, the main body of the piece is arranged as firstly, Janet Emig’s acclaimed research design will be examined along with added commentary from Faigley and Humes. Secondly, we summarize the theoretical perspective of Flower & Hayes (1981) ‘cognitive model of the composing process’ followed by a critique from Giroux. Next, Giroux again, weighs in with his views on the expressive standpoint as he counters the work of Murray and Elbow. After, government initiatives on the literacy elements of reading and writing are reviewed followed by debate between Graves ‘process approach’ and the ‘genre theorists’. Additionally, throughout the text, we will look at the National Curriculum and more specifically, the National Literacy Strategy and their roles within the framework of the principal theme, keeping to the constraints of their political and historical contexts. Finally, running parallel to the main theme, the essence of the piece will build upon an informed stance to critique current government initiatives on writing within the education of children, perhaps suggesting that government policies are falling behind to modern thought on writing. As a conclusion, I wish to draw on some of the knowledge and understanding I have gained as a result of this research as well as my own literacy teaching experience in regards to pedagogical procedures for the development of children’s writing ability.

I want to say how I decided what I wanted to say…The cognitive view…

Integrity, spontaneity and originality are what I want to say…The expressive view…

My environment influences me to say what I want to say…The social view…

Following on from the abstract and personable characteristics of the expressive viewpoint which we will come to momentarily, a cognitive opinion formed and one in which the process of composition was analysed. Janet Emig’s (1971) seminal research helped to distance cognitivism from the considered-to-be outdated linear models found within expressivism: ‘…linear models are inaccurate because they actually describe the growth of the written product, not the “inner process of the person producing the product” (Flower & Hayes, 1981, p.369)’. Emig conducted in-depth study of eight seniors identified as efficient writers based at an American high school by observing out-loud and on-paper composing processes as well as performing one to one interviews. It was noted by Emig that students completed most of their planning after they translated to paper. Further to this, Emig found that the students devoted more time to planning and reformulation of self-sponsored work than teacher-assigned work. As a progressive step forward to the development of writing as a skill, ‘Emig concluded that students should be allowed to do more self-sponsored writing in order to encourage good writing behaviour, such as planning and revising (Humes, 1983, p.6).’ In support, Faigley comments that ‘Emig provided not only a new methodology but an agenda for subsequent research, raising issues such as pausing during composing, the role of rereading in revision, and the paucity of substantial revision in student writing (1986, p.532)’. The vital detail that Emig alluded to in her conclusion was that of the importance of ‘self-sponsored writing’ suggesting that children and young people independently undertake more planning and revision when speaking from their own social worlds which in turn will lead to an increased writing ability. Should this idea be promoted throughout the objectives of the National Literacy Strategy and would it not effectively work alongside the process of ‘reader response’ towards a greater understanding of an individualistic, empowering social standpoint? As Martin explains, ‘Reader response is about reflection – thinking about what has been read…the way in which the reader responded to it (the text)’. From this, the question raised is ‘Why did the text provoke the particular response? (2005, p.38).’ However, the concept is granted limited status in the National Literacy Strategy as Martin unveils:  ‘…there is no explicit examination of the meaning of response or of ways of working in which children learn about texts through their responses to them (p.37).’

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In their article ‘A Cognitive Process Theory of Writing (1981)’, Flower and Hayes set about their theoretical construction based on the question: ‘What guides the decisions writers make as they write?’ In order to comprehend the rhetorical differences between good and poor writers, Flower and Hayes look towards the writing process itself and rest the ‘cognitive process theory’ upon a strong emphasis of goal-orientated writing method. The approach to writing, they proclaim, is hierarchical in nature consisting of goal-directed thinking and organizational processes that rotate and change before and during the act of writing (p.366). The authors, also distancing themselves ...

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