Higher Learning Skills Portfolio For a PE Teacher.

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Introduction to higher learning skills        

Task 1 – Personal Objectives        

SWOT Analysis        

Task 2 – Learning Style Reflections        


Task 3 – Factors that influence learning        



Table of the factors that influence learning        

Task 4 – Literature Research and Book Review        

Bibliography: The 10 book citations        


Task 5 – Using Case Studies        

Task 6 – A Critical Incident Report        

Task 7 – Group Presentation        


Task 8 – Group Evaluation        


Part 1 – Self Appraisal        

Part 2 – Development and Action planning        

Task 10 – Time Management        

Introduction to higher learning skills

This module, which followed on directly from the induction process, introduced me to the world of higher education and helped me develop a wide range of skills to enable me to become a more effective learner. It also helped me gain the most from my time as a student at college. This module has developed my independent learning skills and has introduced me to a range of study skills, learning theories and learning styles and has been encouraged me to reflect on my own learning, both within and outside of the programme of study.  

TASK 1 – Personal Objectives

Task 1 – Personal Objectives

I arrived at the decision to enrol on a foundation degree course in sport, health and exercise after completion of my level three gym instructor’s course. It installed faith in me and the education system. I have become hungry for education and realise that education is vitally important, and is what I will go on to base my entire career upon.

My ambition to become a physical education (PE) teacher and fitness coach thrives in the learning environment; this is because I am surrounded by determined likeminded individuals. The idea of becoming a role model and inspiring people, particularly the youth is incredibly attractive to me.

My weaknesses that I feel will potentially hold me back include my lack of academic ability; I have never been fond of reading or writing. And I feel my ability to absorb information through these means are limited. However I am deemed a practical person, and enjoy being hands on. I hope my determination and my enthusiasm will somewhat make up for my weaknesses. I am sure the foundation degree will prove challenging and allow me to develop my already existing strengths, and develop and improve upon my weaknesses.

SWOT Analysis

TASK 2 – Learning Style Reflections

Task 2 – Learning Style Reflections

On completion of the Honey & Mumford Learning Styles Questionnaire, my results were far from clean cut. It was evident that I show a mixture of both pragmatist, and reflector. However I am primarily a 'reflector'.  I agree strongly with this because reflectors learn best from activities in which they are allowed or encouraged to watch, think and chew over activities. They can reach a decision and conclusion in their own time, and often find that they have the opportunity to review what has happened, and what they have learned.  I can very much so relate to these specific characteristics of which a reflector would own. Reflectors like to stand back to ponder experiences and observe them from different perspectives. They collect data, both first hand and from others, and prefer to think about it thoroughly, postponing definitive conclusions as long as possible. Their philosophy is to be cautious. They are thoughtful people. They enjoy observing other people in action. They listen to others and get the drift of the discussion before making their own points (Honey, P. & Mumford, A. 1982). I think the questionnaire gave me a relatively accurate reflection of my learning style.

However, it is thought that reflectors learn least from situations in which they are forced into the limelight. This is the point at which my suitability towards the reflector category begins to blur because often I find that I learn the most when undertaking a practical role and ultimately being in the limelight. This would explain the mixture of pragmatist, and would coincide with the practicality of my learning style. I enjoy being given the chance to try something out with feedback from a credible expert and being given immediate opportunities to implement what I have learned. These attribute belong to a pragmatist. Pragmatists are considered 'Kinesthetic Learners'. Kinesthetic learners learn best by moving their bodies. These are the "hands-on learners" or the "doers" who actually concentrate better and learn more easily when movement is involved, ultimately learning via doing (Reston, Virginia 1978).

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Reflective learning will help me improve my learning style. I can do this through many methods eg. keeping a learning journal or blog, using self-evaluation questionnaires and making constructive use of feedback from tutors. Using reflective learning, I can effectively evaluate my progress (Stella Cottrell & Palgrave Macmillan, 2008). I will make the most of my strengths, and practice strategies that will allow me to build up on my weaker areas.


(Stella Cottrell & Palgrave ...

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