How would I define assessment?

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How would I define assessment?

Assessment is part of the process of teaching and learning and needs to be built into the planning of teaching. It involves making informed judgements about student's achievements and progress and can take place on an occasion when students express themselves, intentionally or other wise, in relation to a learning objective. Assessment is based on evidence of what students know, understand and can do and is a means of monitoring continuity and progression in student's achievements. Assessment is usually made by the teacher, but may include judgements made by the students themselves. It implies a contract of trust between teachers and students where both parties recognise, accept and value this partnership as a means of making progress. Finally assessment is a subtle art, not an exact science.

Assessment is a form of communication, to the student, feedback about their learning, to the tutor; feedback about their teaching, to the external examination bodies; feedback on the curriculum, and to employers; information about the qualitiy of their applicants. To ensure that communications are as honest as possible assessment must be reliable - in that the same results would be achieved if the assessment were repeated, and valid - in that it tests a relevant skill or ability.

Types of assessment

Teacher assessment of students should be drawn upon every day teaching activities, this is, through talking to students, listening and observing them at work, enabling teachers to draw conclusions about what students have learnt. There are four different types of assessment:

Formative assessment is a judgement about achievement made in such a way, that a student is encouraged to take the next step in learning. They receive feedback on what improvements can be made. Activities to provide evidence of assessment can be formative, as can the discussion of achievement between teacher and student to form a judgement.

Summative assessment is a judgement made at the end of the course or period of time with the intention of summing up achievement of the student to that point. It is commonly used for progression and/or external purposes, given at the end of the course to judge the students' overall performance. It generally provides a concise summary about the students' abilities which the general public can easily understand such as pass/fail or A, B, C, D, E... However it is not useful for communicating complex data about a students' abilities. Formative allow a more detailed opinion of their abilities which can be used to inform further study.

Diagnostic assessment is a judgement which precisely indicates what aspects of learning a

Evaluative assessment is a judgement about the extent to which the learning opportunities are balanced and effective in achieving the objectives.
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Effective assessment is a central tool in raising achievement and, as such, must form part of the curriculum planning.

"If teacher assessment is to support and not inhibit teaching and learning, opportunities to make, observe, listen and discuss must be built into work as it is planned." (SEAC 1991)

"Teacher assessment lies at the heart of the learning process." (SEAC 1993 para. 1:3)

What to assess? This will depend on the aim of the lesson and also the age of the students.

When to assess? Assessment should take place whenever students express ...

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