ICT to support children's learning. The reasons for doing this assignment are to understand the significance of ICT in early years setting, and how ICT can support childrens learning.

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ICT to support Children’s Learning

Marking tutor: Tracie Doolin

20th January, 2010


Front sheet        1

Introduction        3

Main body        4

Conclusion        10

References        11

Appendices        12

Appendix 1 (Activity plan 1)        12

Appendix 2 (Activity plan 2)        14

Appendix 3 (Microsoft Paint)        16

Assignment brief        17        

Marking Criteria        18


The reasons for doing this assignment are to understand the significance of ICT in early years setting, and how ICT can support children’s learning. I also want to know how ICT can be used for my work; and to be able to decide how and when to use ICT and where its limitations lie.

Blurton (1999) defines ICT as,

“Information and communications technologies (ICT) are a diverse set of technological tools and resources used to communicate, and to create, disseminate, store, and manage information. Communication and information are at the very heart of the educational process,... Because access to digital tools, applications, and networks continues to grow worldwide and media are increasingly available in digital form, ICT-use in education can be expected to increase dramatically.”  

This assignment will deal with four ICT tools. Two activities on an interactive whiteboard and with a digital camera were implemented with the children. First I am going to investigate how using an interactive whiteboard could improve children’s reading skills in a reception class. I have used an online resource on the whiteboard.

Following that I am going to analyse how children can identify the uses of a digital camera; how they were able to use an on and off switch, point and click with the camera.

In addition I am going to evaluate two different ICT resources: an online activity from the BBC’s website, and a software: Microsoft Paint.  I want to give an overview of these resources and the effectiveness and ineffectiveness in the use of ICT to support children’s learning.

Main body

The first ICT equipment was an interactive whiteboard (IWB). According to Brown’s (2009?) explanation,

“IWB is a large physical display panel that can function as an ordinary whiteboard, a projector screen, an electronic copy board or as a computer projector screen on which the computer image can be controlled by touching or writing on the surface of the panel instead of using a mouse or keyboard.”

A literacy activity was implemented with the children. (See details in Appendix 1). The children confidently managed the drag and drop technique. The interactive whiteboard makes this technique easier for the children who have difficulties with their hand-eye coordination while using the computer and mouse.

It appeared that children were all very enjoying the activity because they did not want to stop when the activity had been finished. It was noticeable that some of the children were able to navigate the Internet from the whiteboard, because they recognised that if they click on the “Home” icon they are able to go back and try other activities. This ICT tool helps the teacher’s work with the group; it makes the demonstration easier. Children find the IWB very interesting, and they get very excited every time it is being used by them.

Furthermore the children could approach the whiteboard and add their contribution (in this case a letter to the word), because the screen itself is sensitive.

The whole group can view and solve the problems together. Sometimes children need to get certain kinds of information one way and other kinds of information in a different way. There are 3 learning styles: visual, auditory and kinesthetic. Cannon, I.P. (2005) explains that as a teacher you need to find out your student learning styles, and provide the right materials to facilitate their learning.

Your goal as a teacher should be to make your children eventually comfortable with all three means of getting information. After you have presented a new idea through your child’s preferred style, review the material with some of the other methods to increase your child's flexibility.”

Interactive whiteboards are perfect for the visual learners, according to research, students better remember information when it is represented and learned both visually and verbally. In this activity children could see the picture and they could also see how it was written. However it also helps auditory learners, because there are lots of different materials you can use on an interactive whiteboard. After this particular activity children were able to listen to a story with the words they had learned before.

According to DFES (2008) in this activity children were able to complete a simple program on the interactive whiteboard, use ICT to perform simple functions.

On the one hand IWB is a very innovative and interesting resource, on the other hand interactive whiteboards are extremely expensive, the cheapest SMART board is around £3000. Another disadvantage is that if you use this tool in an early years setting, where children running around, their surface can become damaged, and necessitating expensive replacement.

The findings prove that interactive whiteboards are very effective; however it could be ineffective when technical problems appear with the whiteboard during the session, and you cannot implement the activity you have planned.

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The second resource was used with the children was a digital camera (See details in Appendix 2). The children had to record their peers while they were playing. Half of the group was inside and the other half was outside. The children were allowed to take photgraphs in both places, giving them an opportunity to explore with the camera. They were given instructions and a demonstration what they can see through the display and how to click when they wanted to take a picture of their friend.

The initial targets were that the children would be able to ...

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