The purpose of this report is to evaluate the use of Information, Communication and Technology Skills (ICT) in the distance learning environment

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Using Information, Communication and

Technology (ICT) in Health and Social Care


The purpose of this report is to evaluate the use of Information, Communication and Technology Skills (ICT) in the distance learning environment and how they can assist the progress of developing knowledge and core study skills for a positive and rewarding learning experience and to achieve success.

1.        Introduction

This report begins by evaluating how the distance learner can establish and maintain effective communication with the tutor for the duration of their online studies.  The discussion then focuses on the importance of planning and how to achieve self-motivation. The report then examines the use of ICT skills and how technological tools assist with self study, included is a list of the technological tools available to the online student. The importance of constantly developing ICT skills is discussed and some skills acquisition routes have been identified. The report then goes on to explain the construction and use of the ePortfolio. A Personal SWOT analysis has been produced and an evaluation has been done as to how it might facilitate in identifying strengths and weaknesses. The aims and objectives of reflective writing are described. The report then concludes with a discussion on self-assessment and some useful self-assessment methods are identified.

2.        Maintaining effective communication with your tutor

By utilising the methods, tools and strategies of Information, Communication and Technology skills (ICT), I will be able to establish and maintain effective communication with my tutor during my studies. As there is no face to face contact with the tutor and student advisor's in the distance learning environment, it is essential to continue to build good communication skills as they are essential for continuing a sound working relationship.

Submitting competent coursework activities will enable me to transmit my skills, progress, knowledge and understanding. Special attention needs to be paid to structure and style within my work as well as correct spelling, grammar and phrasing. It is also very important to use the correct referencing methods as indicated, namely, Harvard Referencing Basics.

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3.        Planning and self motivation

Time management is critical for the distance learner as each unit requires approximately 60 hours of study time and there are 16 units in total. It is imperative to effectively plan and implement enough time for each unit and this is essential for achieving success. I have set up a study calender and have marked up the times that I have available for studying during the week. A suitable study space is equally important, one that is comfortable, well organised and most of all where little or no distractions will be experienced.


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