This dissertation is a comparison of adolescent leisure in Hong Kong and Luzern.

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. Introduction

.1 Background

Leisure has an important role in human's daily life. It helps people to reduce stress, to refresh, to have fun, to learn new skills and to widen knowledge. Since leisure will build up people's new skills, confidence, friendship and interest, most people will spend time on leisure everyday. Adolescence is a period where arguably a person has more time to spend on leisure. Most adolescents are students; adolescent students have a lot of free time after school. Adolescence is a period that people transit form childhood to adulthood and it is very important for adolescents to learn the variety of skill and knowledge that they need for an adult's life. Leisure can help adolescents to learn skills they need for the adult world. But adolescent leisure behavior will be different form one country to another because of the different education system, culture, lifestyle and leisure facilities available and this will cause differences between adolescent leisure behaviors in different ways in different nations. This dissertation will pick out Hong Kong and Luzern adolescents as research targets to look at differences in their leisure.

.2 Aims and objectives

This dissertation is a comparison of adolescent leisure in Hong Kong and Luzern. It compares time for leisure, allowance or pocket money available for leisure, constraints on exploring leisure, favorite leisure activities and reasons for taking part in favorite leisure activities among adolescents in Hong Kong and Luzern. In order to find out the similarities and differences of time for leisure, allowance or pocket money available for leisure, constraints on exploring leisure, favorite leisure activities and reasons for take part in favorite leisure activities among adolescents in Hong Kong and Luzern, it will also analyse concepts of positive and negative leisure activities.

.3 Definition of adolescent

Adolescence is a developmental period of transition between children and adulthood, which involves biological, cognitive, socio-emotional and social changes. The age range of adolescence is usually defined from 12 to 18, but in reality is difficult to define precisely.

.4 Leisure as a field of study

Leisure is usually defined as time or activity as these definitions are easily quantifiable and facilitate research: 'Leisure is defined as free or un-obligated time during one is not working or performing other life-sustaining performing' (Neulinger, Peterson, Maclean and Martin 1985:3). This type of definition of leisure is broadly accepted nowadays.

.5 Youth leisure as a field of study

Adolescents usually have to go to school to study for 8 hours a day or even more. This depends on different countries' policies on education. Also adolescents may not have enough allowance or pocket money for some leisure activities and they may also have constraints imposed by their parents or teachers. Adolescents also have different leisure interests than adults and children. As Steinberg, (1993) notes: 'Leisure plays an important role in helping adolescent develop a sense of identity, explore relationships with each other, and learn about society'.

.6 Conceptual framework

.6.1 Leisure time

Leisure time is defined as 'Leisure is time beyond that which is required for existence, the things which we must do, biologically, to stay alive...and subsistence, the things we must do to make a is discretionary time, the time to be used according to our own judgment or choice' (Brightbill, 1960). Leisure time is a period of time that a person is feels free to do whatever he or she would like to do.

.6.2 Pocket money/allowance or part-time earnings for leisure

Some leisure activities may require people to pay for their enjoyment of the leisure activities. Adolescents usually receive pocket money or allowance from their parents. But sometimes adolescents will have part-time jobs in order to get more money to spend on their favorite things. Both pocket money and allowances from parents together with part-time earnings will allow adolescents to pay for some leisure activities.

.6.3 Constraints of leisure

Constraints of leisure are known as barriers to someone taking part in some activities. Constraints can be internal and external. Internal constraints can be fear of participating in some leisure activities. External constraints can be parents not allowing their daughter or son to take part in some leisure activities or the absence of facilities for some kind of leisure activities.

.6.4 Favorite leisure activities

Different people in different places will have different culture, education, as well as leisure activities. Favorite leisure activities by adolescents are the leisure activities that they desire to enjoy during their leisure time.

.6.5 Reasons for take part in leisure activities

The reasons for adolescents to take part in the leisure activities also can be seen as the motivations of adolescents joining leisure activities and why adolescents participate in leisure activities.

.7 Hong Kong and Luzern justification

Hong Kong is located in South-East Asia. Hong Kong covers 1027 kilometers squared and with 670 million residents in Hong Kong with 139 million ages between 0 and 19 around 20 % of the whole population. (, 10/11/2001) The first language in Hong Kong is Cantonese and English is the second language. Hong Kong is a wealthy international economic city. Before 1/7/1997 Hong Kong was a colony of United Kingdom for a hundred years. Hong Kong is deeply affected by western culture and now Hong Kong youngsters are deeply affected by Japanese culture. Also traditional Chinese culture will influence adolescents in Hong Kong. Since Hong Kong has been influenced by many cultures, adolescents theoretically will have more choice of leisure activities.

Luzern is a city in Switzerland, which is located in central Europe. Luzern covers 1493 kilometers squared with 340 500 residents inside the Canton, but only 56984 residents in the city with only 16.3% aged between 0 and 19. (Discover Lucerne, 2001) The first language in Luzern is German and French is the second language. Luzern is a traditional cultural tourist destination city. Luzern is not an economic and financial city. Luzern is rooted in western culture and the range of leisure activities will theoretically be narrowed for adolescents. Because of the different culture, geography, location, environment and economic activities of Hong Kong and Luzern, it could be expected that it there are suitable places to explore differences in adolescent leisure.

.8 Methodology

This research will have secondary research from books, official documents and private documents from Internet and University Libraries in Hong Kong and Switzerland. Primary data will come from questionnaires. Two hundred and sixty questionnaires were distributed to adolescents in some secondary schools both in Hong Kong and Luzern.

2. Literature review

2.1 Introduction

From reviewing the literature sources in adolescent, it is evident that a lot of leisure research has been carried out on issues related to leisure and gender, race, social class, disability, age and sexual orientation. However there is little cross-cultural research on adolescent leisure, especially between Western culture and Eastern Culture.
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2.2 What is adolescence?

Reuter's article in (1937:) tried to conceptualize adolescence as a specifically social phenomenon. He points out that 'growing into adulthood was stressful and adolescence was not a universal life-phase and the ages varied between cultures where adolescent was recognized'.

The age range of adolescence is usually defined from 12 to 18 but will differ from one person to another. One point of agreement between biologists, psychologists and sociologists is that adolescence cannot be defined in terms of precise age.

2.3 Different views on leisure definition

Most leisure theories ...

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