Soil Behaviour and Geotechnical Modelling 5-6

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CSE-538 Soil Behaviour and Geotechnical Modelling

Assignments 5-6

Treds Chan


10Oct 2010

Assignment 5 (Lecture 5 – Elastic constitutive models):


(a) Discuss advantages and limitations of Duncan and Chang’s model.  

Duncan and Chang’s model assumes a hyperbolic stress-strain relation and was developed based on triaxial soil tests. The original model assumes a constant Poisson's ratio while the revised model accommodates the variation of Poisson’s ratio by means of stress-dependent Poisson’s ratio or stress-dependent bulk modulus.

The Duncan-Chang model is advantageous in analyzing many practical problems and is simple to set up with standard triaxial compression tests. When tri-axial test results are not available, model parameters are also abundantly available in literatures. It is a simple yet obvious enhancement to the Mohr-Coulomb model. In this respect, this model is preferred over the Mohr-Coulomb model.

However, it has its limitations, including, (i) the intermediate principal stress s2 is not accounted for; (ii) results may be unreliable when extensive failure occurs; (iii) it does not consider the volume change due to changes in shear stress (shear dilatancy); (iv) input parameters are not fundamental soil properties, but only empirical values for limited range of conditions. (v) the model is mainly intended for quasi-static analysis.

(b) Discuss advantages and limitations of Yin and Graham’s KGJ model.  

Yin and Graham’s KGJ model is formed using data from isotropic consolidation tests and consolidated undrained triaxial tests with pore-water pressure measurement. It provides functional expressions for , , , and  relationships in soils.

In Duncan and Chang’s model for triaxial stress conditions:



 may cause volume strain ( dilation and compression)

may cause shear strain.

Whereas Yin and Graham’s KGJ model:



Thus the volume change and shear strain was taken into account, which is an improvement to Duncan and Chang’s model. The limitation of Yin and Graham’s KGJ model may exist in the determination of the parameter  and the complexity of its calculation.

(c) Discuss the differences between elastic models and hypo-elastic models.      

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For soils, the behaviour depend on the stress path followed. The total deformation of such materials can be decomposed into a recoverable part and an irrecoverable part. Hypoelasticity constitutes a generalized incremental law in which the behaviour can be simulated from increment to increment rather than for the entire load or stress at a time. In hypoelasticity, the increment of stress is expressed as a function of stress and increment of strain. The Hypoelastic concept can provide simulation of constitutive behaviour in a smooth manner and hence can be used for hardening or softening soils.

Hypoelastic models can be considered ...

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