Lauren Klibingat

AP English Literature Period 1


Multiple viewpoints

In Edward Abbey’s essay on Aravaipa Canyon, he comments on the enigmatic nature of life on Earth. He states that “the world is not nearly big enough and that any portion of its surface, left unpaved and alive, is infinitely rich in details and relationships, in wonder, beauty, mystery, comprehensible only in part.  The very existence of existence is itself suggestive--- of the unknown--- not a problem, but a mystery.” Our environmental problems, moreover, are cultural. Politics, for example, are being destroyed by a bad way of life, not bad politics. And to see that the problem is far more than political is to return to reality, and look at what reality permits us to see.

In Mark Twain’s essay, Thoughts of God, he seeks to explain how God differentiates between a human being and what is expected of him or her. Twain declares that God is excused for many things for which humans would not be excused, such as the creation of the fly. The real question is, why do we excuse God for violating the moral code when humans in the same situation would not be given the same favor under the same circumstances? If God is the symbol of man and man relies on his moral and ethics, what does God rely on? This implies that there must cease to be a true concept of morality if the one person we incorporate these laws from can’t even abide by them himself.  Maybe the concept of morality is one which we are simply unable to understand, especially since there is no universal standard of what is right and wrong.

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        Often times, we are faced with situations or questions where we are made to choose a certain path or specific answer. Depending on which alternative one chooses, his or her answer or choice is most certainly based on whether he or she is being moral or not. Sometimes, you a forced to make the decision that you normally would not make. This is Joan Didion’s idea called “Wagon Train” morality. In her essay On Morality, she implies that morality has little to do with the concept of being good and that everyone has a different concept of morality to justify ...

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